F i f t e e n

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It's been awhile. I wasn't sure if I was going to continue to write you. It was starting to get hard and feel pointless. I'm not sure if you have even been reading my letters, but I am sure nothing will ever come from them. Nothing I write can change the reality that is and that reality is me not being good for you. That reality is that my world is twisted and cruel and I am the maker of most of that. But still, I'm selfish and I can't help myself. I had to write, I had to continue to get the thoughts that plague my head out on paper. If only you knew how utterly consuming you are. If only you could notice things about yourself the way I do like the way your nose twitches when your mad, the way your face burns a soft shade of red when your nervous, the way you constantly fidget your hands when your scared or the way your voice goes up a level when you yell out of anger. If only you saw that I did, then maybe you would understand why I still had to write to you. But if you saw me, if you knew who I was then you would understand why this is the only way I can talk to you, anything else would be dangerous for the both of us.


It had been a few weeks since I got my last letter, which made me even more excited when this one came. But this one, it was different. It made me flattered to know someone saw me that way, someone noticed things about me I barely noticed myself but it also made me sad. I was sad they felt they couldn't tell me any of this, that it would amount to nothing because of danger that might come with it. I wasn't afraid of a little danger, my life was dangerous.

After today's letter I was confident it was Elijah. The person wrote to thoughtfully, to deep to be someone my age, from this time period. But they were observant which means they had to have spent some amount of time with me. Damon was in love with Elena and more like a brother so I knew it wouldn't be him, Stefan was the same as for Tyler and Matt.... yeah as if. So, that left Elijah.

We had been spending a lot of time together the last few weeks. They moved in to a house on the outer edge of town and had recently finished moving in furniture and there personal belonging making it there own. The originals were here to stay, that much was clear. But I was happy about that. I liked having Elijah around.

I hadn't seen Klaus since senior prank night a couple weeks ago. Since he left my heart practically beating out of my chest and I couldn't decide why. I thought about him since then more often than I should be. I was wondering why he constantly spared me. I also wondered if maybe he really listened to me, since he didn't hurt anyone else after he left the office with me that night. The only thing that happened was Tyler full transitioned into a Hybrid.

I tucked the letter into a small pink box inside my nightstand with the other ones. I wanted to keep them, they were a bright spot in an otherwise pretty dark few months.


"You've been oddly quiet lately brother." Elijah walked into my room as I drug a paint brush across the canvas. I had been painting more than usual lately, but it kept me distracted.

"I don't know what you mean." I sighed, not bothering to look up at him.

"I mean there hasn't be an excessive amount of bodies piling up around Mystic Falls."

"Maybe I'm just better about cleaning up my messes." I teased with an unamused edge to my voice. I dipped the paint brush down into the burnt orange color I mixed and continued painting.

"I doubt that." he huffed, walking around my room observing the art I had already finished.

"Well I'm just busy, what with creating an army and all." I smirked. Ever since discovering Elenas blood was the key to siring hybrids I have been able to begin creating my small army.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now