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Rebekah had finally stopped being difficult and woke up. After a lot of complaining and yelling at me, a long drink and a wardrobe update she was finally willing to go to Gloria's and help me.

"You know, it's kind of hard to find something when you have nothing to go on." Gloria complained, struggling to located the necklace my sister stupidly lost. The necklace that happened to be our only way to contact the original witch.

"Fine" Rebekah huffed, climbing off the bar top. "Use me. I only wore it for a thousand years."

"See!" Gloria exclaimed. "This one offers a solution."

Rebekah sat down at the table with Gloria and I watched in anticipation.

"Give me your hand sweetheart." Rebekah listened, placing her hand with the old witches.

It was silent in the bar. Gloria had her eyes closed and was trying to focus. I was growing agitated with how long it was taking. How hard could it bed to find one bloody necklace?

I let out a frustrated sigh and Gloria glared over at me before getting back to focusing.

"Hold on." She blurted, pinching her eyes shut. "I'm sensing something."

She started chanting under her breath in a language that was only known to a witch. I couldn't tell what she was saying, but I didn't care as long as she found me the necklace.

"I found it." she blurted, her eyes shooting open as she dropped Rebekahs hand.

"So, where is it?" my eager sister questioned.

"It doesn't work like that." Gloria sighed. "I get images, there is a girl with her friends."

"Yes a very dead girl, with very dead friends if I don't get my necklace back."

"I'll need to dive back in to get the details."

I walked towards Gloria, resting my hands on the table beside her. "So, dive."

"I'll need more time." she huffed, eyeing me up and down. "And space."

"I can wait." I deadpanned, not wanting to leave until I had the information I was seeking.

"I'm sure you can." she nodded. "But that's not what I asked."

I was growing frustrated with the witch and I sensed she felt the same about me. Stefan walked over, placing a hand on my shoulder attempting to diffuse the situation.

"Come on, we can come back." he patted me on the back. "I'm hungry anyways."

"Now that, I can agree with," Rebekah smiled, and jumped off the table and headed out the door. Stefan followed closely behind her, leaving Gloria and I alone in the bar. I was going to give the witch what she wanted, I would give her a few hours but I needed something first.

"You can go too." she sighed as I still stood beside her.

'I will." I smirked. "I just need one additional favor first."

She looked at me with furrowed brows as I dug into the pocket of my pants, pulling out a charm bracelet.

"Need you to take a look." I handed her the bracelet and she examined it closely.

"Any particular thing I'm looking for?" she questioned.

"Nope." I deadpanned. "I just want to check in on the person it belongs to."

Gloria held my gaze for a moment, studying my expression which I left blank. I wasn't going to give the witch any information she didn't need. She finally looked away with a sigh and clutched the bracelet tightly into her hands, closing her eyes.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now