T w e n t y - t w o

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I was sitting in front of a canvas, mixing together some paint colors trying to decide what I wanted to paint today. But Everytime I tried to decide on something I would see her face. It was etched into my brain so permanently since I let myself kiss her.

I should have known.

Nature was pushing this. This is what nature wanted for me, this is what the universe had decided, not me. So when I gave in, when I allowed myself to act on the desires I felt since I imprinted on her, it almost made things worse, it made them harder.

I was growing more frustrated by the second. I didn't want this, I didn't choose this.

I dabbed my brush into the deep black paint and forcefully drug it across the blank white canvas.

"Did that canvas do something to you Niklaus? You've nearly snapped it in half." Elijah walked into the room, staring at the now lopsided canvas I had almost destroyed.

"Artists frustration is all brother." I huffed, setting the paint brush down.

He stared at me for a moment, silence filling the room. I could tell he was going to start a conversation that I more than likely wouldn't want to be apart of.

"I want you to be honest with me." He finally spoke. "Can you do that?"

"Oh you know me Elijah, no promises." I smirked, watching an annoyed scowl spread across his face.

"What is it with Charlie?" He questioned.

I knew this was headed here. He could never leave anything alone.

"I have already told you, there is nothing." I turned my back to him.

"I don't buy it Niklaus!" he snapped.

"What don't you buy!?" I snapped back around, a growl in my voice. "I have answered you time and time again Elijah."

My brother was staring at me with watchful eyes, studying my reaction. I don't know why I thought I could avoid this conversation, I knew it was inevitable.

"I'll find out. One way or another." He said like a threat. "So either tell me, or I won't stop until your intentions are revealed and believe me Niklaus if it is anything sinister I-"

"Stop." I cut him off. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "I imprinted on her."

He took a step back, his eyes were wide like he had just seen a ghost. He was in disbelief and I couldn't blame him. I had been on this earth for a thousand years and had never imprinted. I truly believed I couldn't imprint, but I guess it was true you only imprint once and all this time I was waiting for her.

"You--" his face fell into a hard frown. "You imprinted?"

"Unfortunately." I huffed. It was obvious now it wasn't only shock Elijah was feeling, it was sadness. He cared for the girl deeply and knowing I imprinted on her changed things in an instant.

"You should have told me." he sighed. "I will leave the girl be then."

"No." I demanded. "You won't."

"Niklaus I--"

"Elijah." I cut him off. I took a deep breath, I knew what had to be done. I knew what needed to be said, I just didn't want to say it. It felt like lava was seeping down my throat as I tried to get out the words. "I am not good for her, we both know that. I never will be. I will only hurt her."

He stared at me with anticipation, wanting to see where this was going next.

"I can't be with her." I looked him directly in the eyes. "I don't want to be with her." I corrected."She's your imprint, how can you not want to be with her?" He questioned.

This was hard for me. I did want to but I couldn't. I wasn't capable of the kind of love she deserved, I knew that. I couldn't be good for her, it wasn't who I was.

"I know what she is." I snapped, staring him down with anger. "I don't need you to tell me-- I've made up my mind."

"So what am I to do now?" He asked. "Carry on? Like I don't know this?"

"Yes." I deadpanned. "Care for her. Protect her. I won't be in your way. I want nothing to do with her. I didn't choose this."

He scoffed and shook his head. He wasn't surprised by my harsh words and that only made me more angry.

"Go now." I ordered. "Leave me be, I don't want to discuss her anymore."

"Fine." he turned and headed towards the door.

I couldn't help myself, there was a pit burning in my stomach. I had just given my brother permission to run off and be with the girl my soul was bound to, I had to call after him. I had to say something.

"I guess you finally got your Anna-Marie, huh?" I called out. I knew that would sting.He stopped in his tracks.

"She's not Anna-Marie Niklaus." he answered calmer than I expected. "She's better."

and then he walked out.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now