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"Okay so let me get this straight— he sent some random girl to ask you if you would be at the dance and then you if you would save him the last dance?" Damon asked, looking between the two of us as Stefan stood in the corner looking like he was suffocating in all his thoughts.

"Yeah exactly." Elena answered.

"What does he want with Charlie? How does he know Charlie?" Damon asked, looking at me for answers. I tossed up my arms and shrugged.

"I have no idea—news to me." I answered honestly. I wanted out of this mess. It was one thing trying to save Elena, doing work on the sidelines, behind the scenes but to actually be front and center.... That I didn't like. I was more of a out of the spot light, linger in the back kind of girl. Elena was the one that always had to be the center of attention, the damsel in distress.

"Why does it feel like no matter how many steps we take forward, Klaus is already five steps ahead?" Stefan complained, he was frustrated but rightfully so. We all were. I'm sure someone wanted to sacrifice your girlfriend was enough to put anyone in a sour mood.

"Because he is. I mean going after Charlie? What a low blow." Damon huffed.

Amen to that Damon.

"So what's our move then?" I asked. We needed to have a plan. We couldn't go in to this blind hoping for the best. It was obvious Klaus was more prepared than we could have imagined. He was slick and conniving, which we already knew but he really takes it to new levels.

"The plan is me." Bonnie answered.

"No way." I argued. "We aren't going to let you die, that's not an option."

"I agree." Elena nodded.

I started pacing around the room. I wanted any other solution. I didn't want to use Bonnie. There had to be another way.

"Hey hey hey." Damon whispered, grabbing my shoulders in his hands. "Hear Bonnie out, okay?"

I turned back to face Bonnie, who was already looking at me with a small smile. I didn't want to hear her out and give her a chance to change my mind, but I had to.

"I can do it." She nodded. "You just have to trust me."

I looked in my friends eyes, a friend I have had since birth and I knew that I had to take her at her word. I had to trust her because when I really thought about it, if I was truly honest with myself, Bonnie was our only option. If she thought she could do it, I would put my faith in her.

We moved towards each other, like we could read each others mind and wrapped our arms around each other in a hug. Elena joined us and we stood there, in the middle of the Salvatore house hugging. Us three had been through a lot, but this was definitely the worst. Breakups? Piece of cake. Murderous unkillable vampire? Not so much.

"Okay." Bonnie smiled, pulling away from the hug. "Can we please go find you something to wear tonight?"

"Sure." I laughed because only Bonnie could go from a serious conversation to talking about clothes in a matter of seconds.


"You have to wear that." Bonnie decided for me. "I won't let you go in anything else. That pink looks to good on you."

I looked myself up and down in the mirror, I was in a tight pink leather dress with a white belt cinching my waist. My hair was up in a hair ponytail, with a matching pink and white patterned headband. She also put me in tall gogo boots. The sixties.... What a weird time.

"Are you sure it's not to much?" I questioned. This was so far out of the realm of things I was used to wearing it wasn't even funny. I smoothed my hands over the fabric, turning my body so I could look at myself from different angles.

"It's the sixties! Of course it's to much, that's the point." Bonnie laughed. "You are wearing it and that is that."

"Fine." I huffed tossing my hands up in defeat. I knew better than to argue with Bonnie Bennett when she wanted her way. I grabbed a tiny white purse and we headed out the door.

I felt knots tying in my stomach and my throat felt dry when we walked down the hallway headed of the school headed towards the decade dance. I could hear the music pulsating through the walls. I took a deep breath before we walked through the doors, joining the rest of the school. I knew Klaus could be in there somewhere and I had to mentally prepare myself for that. Bonnie gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and we walked in together.


I was standing in the back with another group of teachers, trying to behave like a typical 'chaperone' as the students filed in. It smelt like sweat and desperation in the room and I now understood why people hated high school so much.

I laid eyes on my doppelgänger first, she walked in with Stefan. I could tell they were on high alert, bobbing there heads around trying to see anything out of the ordinary. I couldn't help back laugh— I had to give it to them for trying but they stood no chance against me. Damon came in shortly after and I was staring to get anxious waiting for the Bennett witch to show her face but then, she did.

I expected to keep my attention locked on Bonnie but instead it was completely diverted to the girl in the pink dress, to Charlotte. It made me angry, she made me angry. The way she stole my attention, the way she captivated me without speaking a single word. I had been alive over a thousand years and hadn't experienced anything like it. My feet started moving in their direction, partly to join them and try to figure out what there plans was but also to get close to her.

"Ric, there you are!" Damon greeted. "I was starting to think you chickened out."

"Never." I deadpanned.

They were all looking around the room when the girl I compelled stepped onto the stage.

"Hey everyone! I have a special dedication to make." She spoke into the microphone, a crooked grin creeping on my face as all the attention diverted to the stage. "This one is for Elena... from Klaus."

"Wow— thats a cheap shot." Damon scoffs.

"This guys the real deal, huh?" I asked, with a smirk.

"I'm not impressed." he huffed.

"You're not?"

I clenched my fists at my sides, I had to keep myself from lashing out on him. He was an arrogant young vampire, who had no idea the things I had done, the things I was capable of. I'm sure he had heard stories, but apparently not enough of them.

"Charlie, you stay close to me." Damon ordered her, placing a hand on hers. It felt like someone lit something inside me on fire. I acted before I could think, which wasn't like me but I did it anyways. It was uncontrollable.

"I'll take her for a look around, how about that?" I blurted and pulled her away from Damon on to the dance floor.

She was looking around, believing what I said about looking around for things out of the ordinary. The song slowed down and I grabbed her, pulling her into me with my hand snaked around her waist and my other intertwined with hers.

"Ric— what are you doing?"

"We're blending in. You looking around, constantly searching was a bit obvious." I answered.

"I hate to break it to you Ric but this isn't blending in." She urged. "I know we're close and all, but I'm still your student and um... people are staring."

I looked around, and she was right. There were a lot of eyes on us. I pushed her away from me, creating distance between us.

"Is everything okay? I mean you've been a little—"

"I'm fine." I cut her off. I was frustrated, I didn't even want to be standing with her. I didn't want to dance with her, I didn't want to know her. I needed this witch dead and this curse broken so I could get the hell out of this town. "You know what, I'm going to go look around."

I walked away without another word, eager to get this over with, so maybe I wouldn't have to see her again.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon