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I was rummaging through the teachers closet, trying to find anything to wear that didn't make me want to pull my own eyes out.

"Who is this guy, safari sam?" I huffed, pulling through shirt after shirt. I took two off the rack, one brown with light blue shades and one that was black. "Okay, bad or badder?" I asked Katerina who was sitting in a chair across the room.

"The dark colors suit you better." She deadpanned.

"Oh, thank you honey." I snarled sarcastically, pulling the black shirt off the hanger and on to my body. "Okay, pop quiz... the dagger and white ash are in the possession of the Salvatores, correct?"

"The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house." She admitted honestly.

"Okay that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is, the last thing I need is resurrect Elijah." I huffed. "That guys a buzz kill."

I listened to Katherine rattle on the rest of the information she knew about the Salvatores, the doppelgänger and Bonnie. There was one person I couldn't ask her about... one I knew was here in this town, but I didn't know if she was involved— I didn't know who she was, only a name and the most unforgettable face I've ever laid eyes on. I didn't want to think about her but it was like my mind was forcing me to be curious.

I left Katerina with orders to stab herself in the leg over and over until I returned. I wanted to lay eyes in my doppelgänger and that meant, going to school to be the teacher I was pretending to be.


I overslept. I was going to be late...again. I was thanking my lucky stars I had Alaric for first period because if not I would be totally screwed. I ran a brush through my hair, tossed on a pair of ripped mom jeans and cropped sweater, then took off running out of the house and to my car.

My brother Logan Fell was dead and my parents traveled over half the year so I was used to being alone at my house. I practically had no parents. I would say Damon acted more like a father to me than my own dad, which was creepy when I really thought about it. He was just protective over me though. Maybe calling him a brother made more sense.

I flew through town headed to the high school hoping sheriff Forbes or one her deputies wouldn't stop me for speeding this morning, because then I would probably just miss all of class. I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, Rics history class wasn't the most exciting. But it was one of the only classes I had with pretty much all of my friends.

I rushed down the hallway, and finally made it to Rics classroom. He was standing in the front, going on about the sixties when I walked in. My face was a little flushed from rushing the last thirty minutes, but I shot Ric an apologetic smile with a small wave as I made my way across the front of the class and back to my seat.

When I sat down in my seat, I pulled my notebook out of my bag and got myself situated but I realized it was silent and Ric still hadn't continued with his lesson. I looked up to the front and he was staring at me, his mouth partially open and his eyes completely locked on me like I was the only person in the room. I didn't know what was going on, he couldn't have been mad— he never minded when I was late. I looked over at Elena, who also noticed Alaric's odd behavior. I trailed my eyes over to Stefans who looked between me and the history teacher with a curious gaze, I gave him eyes that asked a question without having to speak but he just shrugged.

Now every pair of eyes in the classroom were fixated on me. At this point I wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole. I was embarrassed and I didn't even know what for.

"Umm— earth to Mr. Saltzman?" Elena finally interrupted. He shook his head, like he was snapping himself out of some sort of trance.

"Charlotte." He deadpanned. "Why are you late?"

Why the hell did he just call me Charlotte? Ric never called me Charlotte, he knew I had always gone by Charlie. I wondered if I had done something or said something to piss him off, but I couldn't think of anything.

"I — I overslept." I answered quietly. I could feel my cheeks heating up, turning a deep red. My eyes were practically pleading with Alaric to leave me alone.

He stared at me for another uncomfortable few moments before turning back towards the black board behind him.

"Right. Back to the sixties then." He announced.


After my bizzare first period, my next two classes were uneventful and normal. I walked into the cafeteria and took my usual spot with Elena and Bonnie. I pulled a smuckers peanut butter sandwich I had stuffed in my purse out and began to chow down.

"I am starving." I groaned. "I ran out of the house so fast this morning I didn't even get a chance to eat."

"Speaking of this morning, what the heck is going on with Ric?" Bonnie questioned. I looked between her and Elena who both had there eyes locked on me like I was supposed to know the answer.

"How should I know?" I huffed. "Maybe he's going through a midlife crisis." I had no idea what was wrong with Alaric, I had decided to drop it earlier in the day. It was weird but we were all under a lot of stress right now, people tend to act differently when they are stressed. "If we keep having to deal with psychotic killer vampires I might go through a crisis myself...at seventeen."

My two friends laughed and shook there heads. The sad thing is, it was true. Just this year I had learned vampires existed, been compelled more than I probably even knew by Damon to keep me from remembering they were real, watched my brother turn into a vampire, and a crazy one at that— Oh and then he was killed. My brother and I were never close but still, that was hard to get over. Now throw Klaus trying to kill one of my best friends into the mix and my other best friend trying to stop him knowing it could kill her... who wouldn't go crazy?

"Hey Elena! There you are." A girl at our school named Amy walked up to our table. "Okay this I going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight."

We all looked between each other and I shook my head laughing, I didn't think much of it. A lot of guys had a small crush on Elena. She was your typical girl next door.

"Tell him she has a boyfriend." Bonnie snarked.

"Right but he also told me to tell you to save him a dance tonight, Charlie." She said facing me with a smile.

"Wait— what?" I questioned. "Sounds like a real winner there. Both me and Elena."

"Well, you could at least meet him. He'll be there tonight so look for him, his name is Klaus." She smiled.

I almost choked on my sandwich, looking up at the girl with wide eyes and a face whiter than a sheet.

"What did you just say?" I questioned, paying extra close attention as I waited for her answer. I thought maybe I heard her wrong the first time, I mean I had to have right?

"His names Klaus." She repeated. "I know the name is stupid but I promise he's super hot."

"Where is he, is he here?" Bonnie asked, her voice laced with urgency as we scanned our eyes over the cafeteria but no one seemed out of place.

"I don't know." She answered like a question.

"She's been compelled." I huffed. Of course she was.

"Anyways, he wants you both of you to be there. And Charlie, make sure you save him the last dance." She smiled before bouncing away back to her normal, boring life I now found myself being envious of. I didn't want to be tied up in the middle of this mess. I had no idea what Klaus wanted with me, I didn't even know how he knew who I was? Had he been watching us longer than we knew?

"What the hell was that?" Bonnie deadpanned, looking between Elena and I before both there shocked expressions settled on me.

"What does Klaus want with you?" Elena questioned.

"I wish I knew the answer to that myself."

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now