T w e n t y - s i x

670 21 0


My eyes fluttered open and it was light out. I had cried myself to sleep. I felt the warmth underneath my cheek and the arms locked around my body. It was Klaus.

He stayed all night.

I lifted my head off his chest and turned my head to see his face. He was already awake, his eyes flicked to meet mine when he realized I was awake too.

"You stayed?" I questioned.

"I wasn't going to leave you after that." He admitted.

My face flushed red. I was flattered but I was also embarrassed he saw my father and me that way.

My dad was not a good dad. He drank to much, he was always more about the money then he was his kids. When he did come around we were always arguing or he was always picking on me. Things had only got worse since my brother died, which was why I was happy he was always gone, traveling for work.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I sighed.

"Don't apologize for that." He answered sternly, and I nodded in response. "Trust me— I know what it's like to have an abusive father."

I remember the night of homecoming. Klaus's father tried to kill him then. And apparently had been trying for years.

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I know you do."

It was something we had in common, something we could relate on. Such a sad thing to be able to relate to, but it was the way it has been for both of us. Him much worse than me, but still.

I was going to say something else, something to change the topic when he sat straight up.

"Someone's here." he hushed.

"Char?" Bonnie called out as she walked up the stairs.

"Oh, it's just Bonnie. She has a key." I climbed off the bed.

"You shouldn't let anyone have a key to your house." he complained.

"Klaus, it's Bonnie. She would never hurt me." I laughed.

"Shes a witch." he didn't seem amused.

"She's my best friend." I shook my head at him.

When Bonnie walked into my bedroom her eyes went wide with shock and she dropped the bag of pastries she had bought on the floor

"Klaus?" she questioned.

I hadn't even thought about the fact that she would wonder why he was here or how she would feel about him being here.

"Don't worry little witch. I was just leaving." he teasingly grinned. I could tell her enjoyed getting a rise out of her.

She didn't say a word, her jaw was practically on the floor as he made his way across the room to the door.

"I'll see you soon Charlotte." He promised before leaving us behind.

As soon as the front door clicked shut Bonnie diverted all her attention to me.

"What the hell was that? Why was Klaus here?" she questioned.

I gave her a look. A look only she would know. We had been best friends for so long she could read me without having to say a word.

"No." she deadpanned. "No way."

"Bon." I defended.

"Klaus? Are you kidding me? You and Klaus?" she was getting more upset by the second. I knew what he had put her through, what he had put all of my friends through and continued to put them through but I couldn't explain it. I couldn't help it either.

"I can't explain it Bonnie, their is just something..." I was trying to find the right words to say.

"What about Elijah? I mean I thought you guys were together kind of?"

I sighed and sat down on the end of my bed. My heart sunk at the thought of Elijah. I cared for him deeply, I know their were definetly feelings there. But it wasn't uncontrollable and instense like it was with Klaus but still. I didn't want to hurt Elijah. I didn't even know if I should allow myself to fall this hard for Klaus.

Elijah was steady, he was a sure thing. I could rely on him, I knew he wouldn't hurt me or the ones I loved. Klaus was a loose cannon. I couldn't predict anything with him.

Bonnie could tell I was upset, so she dropped her angry expression and let out a deep breath, taking a seat beside me.

"I'm not going to pretend to understand the Klaus thing." she started. "But I'm your best friend, so I won't hold it against you. I'm here for you."

Hearing those words come from Bonnie was like a breath of fresh air. I finally had someone I could talk to about this without feeling judged.

"Thank you Bon." I smiled, wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we sat side by side.

She returned the gesture. "So... both Mikaelsons huh?"

"I guess." I sighed.

"You're worse than Elena with the Salvatores." she teased, a smile cracking on her burgandy lips.

"No kidding." I huffed, rolling my eyes at my own expense.

For a moment we were quiet. She was looking at me and I was staring straight ahead, lost in thought about the two brothers I know found myself stuck between.

"You know you'll have to choose, right?" she asked, I could tell she didn't mean it in a rude way. She was just worried.

"I know." I let out a deep breath.

I knew I would have to break one of them and that broke me.

I think what made matters worse is my head told me one thing but my heart was screaming another. I wasn't sure which to listen to.



I knew when I got back to the house I would have to face Elijah. He was still going to be upset from last night, I guess I couldn't blame him but I also didn't care.

When I walked into the house, there was a dead body laying on the floor of the foyer, Elijah was standing over it.

I looked from the body to him, waiting for an explaination.

"We have two problems it seems." He deadpanned. "One. Our mother is up to something. Two. It seems Katerina is off blabbing about our where abouts to people on her travels."

"What makes you say that?" I asked, I was talking about both things.

"Because this guy here was looking for you...actually Charlotte. Apparently you killed his wife in your mission to create hybrids and he was here to kill Charlotte in return, an eye for an eye."

"So Katerina is telling people of Charlotte then?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Mhm." he hummed. "Klaus Mikaelson hasn't cared about anything in centuries, so when your enemies find out you do, they'll come for her."

"Because they can't kill me, but they can kill her." I realized and quickly became overcome with both fear and anger. I was leading people right to Charlotte unintentionally. I was putting danger right on her doorstep.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now