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Bonnie was alive. Elena and I only had to suffer with the reality that our friend was dead for about thirty minutes before Damon finally filled us in on the plan they made. She was now safer than ever, since Klaus thought she was dead.

But that safety wouldn't last much longer. She had been in hiding for days after the dance, but tonight was the full moon. Tonight was the night that everything could fall apart. We could lose Elena, we could lose Bonnie, and there wasn't much we could do about it. Klaus thinking Bonnie was dead was a win for us, but we all knew she would still have to be the one to kill him.

Elena had chosen to put her faith in Elijah. I didn't understand why, but I hadn't got the chance to meet him yet. Maybe if I did, I could understand why she trusted him. She said he was a man of his word and there was no choice now but to believe him.

I was laying on my bed having a hard time finding the will power to get up. There wasn't much to be excited about today. I wanted to ignore it all. If I couldn't fix our problems, I didn't want to sit back and watch them unravel either.

My phone rang under my pillow, vibrating my mattress. I rolled over on my stomach, Damon's name popped up across the screen.

"Hello?" Answered.

"Now you answer the phone! I've been calling you. I was one more voicemail away from coming to find you."

"I'm fine Damon." I huffed. "As fine as I can be considering." I rolled onto my back, staring at my ceiling fan as it spun in circles.

"About that— I met Klaus."

"Yeah Damon. You don't have to remind me, I was there."

"No.. not Alaric Klaus, the real Klaus."

I shot up straight. Klaus was now in his own body, he was here. I knew it would happen but hearing it felt surreal, like it snapped everything into focus.

"And how did that go?"

"Well I tried to talk him into a postponement— and failed." He groaned. "But I need this thing not to go down, not after I fed Elena my blood."

Now he really had my attention. I went home to sleep, just to sleep and this is what happened in less than 24 hours.

"You did what?!"

"I couldn't let her die!" He defended.

"So being a vampire is the best alternative?" I questioned; I had never thought about becoming a vampire myself. It wasn't something I wanted to think about.

"Can we not do this whole argument thing right now?" He huffed. "I have a plan."

"Four words I never like hearing come from your mouth." I rolled my eyes. "But what can I do?"


I hated the woods. I especially hated going into the woods alone and it was dark which made things worse. Damon was meeting me here but I figured I could get a head start going to the cellar. He would catch up to me using that vamp speed and all. Time was of the essence anyways. The last thing we needed was Klaus showing up to check on or collect his vampire and werewolf.

It was Tyler and Caroline. Damon found out Klaus kidnapped them and was hiding them in a cellar in the woods near the Lockwood property. He was going to use them in his sacrifice and if we could steal them, we might derail this sacrifice. Not to mention, there was no way I was letting Caroline die as well.

I knew this was stupid for me to be doing. Damon knew it to, he didn't even want me to come out here but I insisted. I wasn't okay with doing nothing, at least this way I felt like I was helping.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now