T w e n t y - f o u r

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I was ready for the ball. My hair was curled perfectly, I had actually taken my time with my makeup and the gown Elijah had gifted me fit like a glove. It was silk material that laid smoothly against my body, shining perfectly when the light hit it. I paired it with silver heels and was headed out the door.

My heart was pounding in my chest when I stepped out of my car at the Mikaelson Mansion. People were pouring inside and I could hear the humming of soft music echoing through the house walls into the night.

I walked up to the front door that was being managed by some men in black tuxs who were more than likely compelled to be doing this job.

"Good evening." One nodded and then they both swung the double front doors open. Revealing the inside of the manison to me, and me to it.

There were people scattered all through the foyer but the first pair of eyes mine met were Klaus's.

He was in a black tux, with a white dress shirt underneath. His eyes never parted from mine as I made my way inside. He took one step towards me and I was convinced he was headed my way for the first time in weeks. Before he could get any closer, someone stepped in front, breaking our long held gaze.

"Wow." Elijah smiled. "You look breath taking."

I tried to hide my dissapointment. I was happy to see Elijah but had found myself once again completely sucked into Klaus when I shouldn't be. I quickly shook it off and diverted my attention back to the one who deserved it.

"Thank you." I blushed. "The dress is perfect by the way...thank you."

He furrowed his brows in confusion. "What do you mean? I didn't get you the dress."

"Oh-- I thought... it was sent with the invitation so I assumed..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say and wondering who actually sent me the dress.

Elijah didn't look as confused as I did though, he just looked angry. His face was as hard as stone and his lips were pressed into a thin line.

"Nevertheless." He broke into a smile, trying to kill the tension. "You look gorgeous."

The music was still flowing through the house and people began to make there way to the designated dance floor.

Elijah held his arm out to me. "Shall we?"

"Do we have to?" I groaned playfully, I wasn't one for dancing.

"Its tradition, if nothing else." he met me with his kind eyes. I laughed and roped my arm in with his, allowing him to guide me towards the dance floor.

Everyone began to dance, ourselves included. Elijah was graceful, swiftly taking me in his arms making our dancing look almost natural and effortless despite the fact I was an awful dancer.

We were circling around the dance floor, moving in unison. I wish they didn't but my eyes met Klaus's across the floor again, he was dancing with Caroline but his eyes were locked on me. I wished he would stop. He ignored me, he kissed me and never spoke to me again, but then he did this. I felt the breath hitch in my throat and my knees felt like they were about to cave in.

I had decided awhile ago I hated him for making me feel this way. I hated him for kissing me and leaving and now here he was, watching me and disturbing a perfectly good night with Elijah.

I forced myself to look away and focus back on Elijah just when the music was stopping.

I still felt flushed, my heart pattering rapidly in my chest.

"I am going to use the restroom." I told Elijah and he nodded, releasing my hand from his grasp.

I didn't really need to go to the restroom, but I did need a minute to myself. I climed the staircase of the house, intending to go into the bathroom up there just to sit and be alone but as I walked down the hall one of the doors was slightly cracked open and curiousity got the best of me.

I walked inside the room that had a bed laid in the center but all around was surrounded by different paintings and a few blank canvas's. I began to walk around the room, examining each impressive painting.

"The party to boring for you?" Klaus called from behind, his voice sent chills down my spine.

"Just needed a minute." I said, turning to face him.

"I see." he nodded. "So you let yourself in my room?"

"Your room?" I questioned, looking around again. I hadn't even considered the thought this could be his room.

"Yes, my room." he answered, stepping further into the room.

"Hmm." I hummed, continuing my walk around the room. I stopped in front of a painting thats perticular beauty caught my eye. The hues of red, orange and yellow were blended so perfect and seemlessly. The mountains in the photo cascaded so perfectly on the canvas, it almost looked real. But then, when I took in the whole painting, when I realized what I was looking at, my stomach sunk.

"The swiss alps during fall." I spoke breathlessly and Klaus stay silent, not saying a word. I slowly turned my head around and met his eyes.

He knew.

I knew.

"It's you." my eyes were locked with his, my palms were sweating, my heart thudding in my chest. "You wrote the letters."

I couldn't decide what I was feeling. I was overcome with a tidal wave of emotions. I was shocked, I was confused, I was angry, I was sad. I was everything.

And he stood there, watching me like a deer in headlights, not saying a word.

I shook my head and pushed passed him heading out the door.

I held my dress in my hands so I wouldn't trip over it as I rushed down the stairs. I headed out the front door, not looking back. I needed to get out of here.

"Charlotte!" It was Klaus. He had come after me. I didn't stop, I continued to stomp down the driveway towards my car. "Stop!" he demanded, his voice was almost a growl.

I snapped my head around to him, stopping my tracks.

"Why Klaus!?" I snapped. "Why did you write me the letters? And then you let me believe they were from Elijah!"

He didn't say anything. I think he was shocked by my reaction, by how angry I was.

"The dress was you to, wasn't it?"

He said nothing, but his face fell and that told me everything.

He wrote the letters.

He sent the dress.

"You know you really screwed this all up." I shouted tearfully. "I mean I'm with Elijah now!"

"You don't think I know that?" he shouted. "This doesn't change anthing. So I wrote to you, so what? So I bought you a dress, So what?"

"So what?" I scoffed, a tear falling down my cheek. "You kissed me."

"It was just a kiss." He shrugged and I felt my stomach sink even lower.

"Just a kiss?" I choked. He stared at me, no words leaving his mouth. "Nice Klaus."

I started to walk away again when he wrapped his hand agressively around my wrist, pulling me back towards him. I spun around to shout but his face was already closing in on mine, then our lips crashed together. A rush of sensations coursed through my body as his tongue glided gently into my mouth. This kiss like the last was electric, but it was also more passionate, more intense. He held the kiss for as long as either of us could stand before our lips broke apart and he rested his forehead against mine.

I was breathless.

"I have to go." I broke the silence.

"What?" he questioned. "Why?"

"Because I'm confused." I admitted. "I need to process this Klaus. I mean there's Elijah and now you are out here kissing me... I just.."

"Elijah." He scoffed angrily shaking his head. "I handed you to Elijah on a platter!"

"Excuse me?" I snapped. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He didn't answer me and I was sick of the silence. I was sick of getting no answer.

I shook my head at him and left him standing there alone as I drove away.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now