N i n e

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It had been a few long, boring days since I received my first letter. It was summer now which meant most of my days would consist of being lazy with basically nowhere to be. Damon was going to devote the majority of his time to finding Stefan, Elena devoted the majority of her time to crying about Stefan, Caroline was off doing whatever it was Caroline felt like doing at the time, and Bonnie was just Bonnie. I hung out with her more than the others, but she was preoccupied with Jeremy too.

Today it was sunny and warm, which wasn't unusual for this time of year in Mystical Falls but it was starting to feel like a rarity. Everything had constantly felt cloudy and dreary, but I think that was just the way I felt.

I pour myself a large cup of coffee over ice, added a splash of vanilla creamer and started my day. I flipped through the channels trying to see if anything was interesting enough to occupy some of my time, but no luck. I could go shopping, but that didn't sound like fun either. I was about to give up and go spend another day helping Damon piece together Stefans whereabouts when there was a knock at my door.

Elijah was standing outside, a smile on his face and an expensive suit on his body, ironed to perfection.

"You do know it's like 80 degrees, right?" I smirked, looking the suit up and down. I was trying to hint that it may be a little too hot to be in a suit.

"I'm used to it." he smiled. "Did I interrupt you?"

"If you count sipping iced coffee while searching for some trash Tv to watch busy, then yes." I nodded and we both laughed.

He was standing outside on the porch and I knew the polite thing to do was to invite him inside, but it meant something different when it was a vampire. Once he was invited in, he would always be allowed in whether I wanted him to be or not. I could trust Elijah, at least I thought I could, but if I had learned anything lately it was that we could never be too careful.

I battled back and forth with whether I should just invite him in when he interrupted my thoughts. "I was thinking we could go for a walk today." he announced, almost like he could tell I was rustling with the idea of inviting him in my home and it was his polite way of saying, it's okay.

"A walk?" I questioned.

"Yeah, a walk." He nodded. "I could tell you more about your ancestors or anything you want to know really."

I didn't know what to make of the new friendship budding between Elijah and I, but I wasn't going to complain. It was nice to have something to do other than depressingly search for Stefan, no matter how much I wished he would come home. I also liked the stories Elijah could tell me, it was the kind of history that was actually interesting, unlike what we can read in the books.

"Okay." I agreed. "But we have to go walk by the lake or something. It's summer."

"Does walking by the lake make it more like summer?" he laughed.

"It does." I said seriously and he nodded, agreeing to walk by the water with me.

I walked inside to grab my small crossbody purse and phone before meeting Elijah back outside and heading out for our walk.



It had been a long time since I had been to Chicago but I had spent all summer trying to make hybrids and failing. I needed to know why and Gloria could tell me that.

We stepped out of the car, Stefan looking all around him and instantly realizing where we were.

"Chicago?" he questioned.

"Mhm." I nodded, walking down the sidewalk towards Gloria's bar.

"What are we doing here?" he questioned.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now