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"You two come with me." Elena said, walking up to already dragging Bonnie by the arm. I followed her outside, shooting Bonnie a questioning look.

"Elena, what is going on?" I questioned when we got outside.

"How could you not tell me?" She questioned, he voice thick with emotion. All her attention was focused on Bonnie, which told me this didn't have anything to do with me— she just needed me here. Whatever this was about, she wanted me to know.

"It's our only option." Bonnie deadpanned.

"No bonnie, it isn't an option at all." Elena snapped.

"Okay, back up." I interrupted. "What's going on?"

"If Bonnie channels all that power to try and kill Klaus, it will kill her to. There's no if. It definitely will." Elena answered.

"What?!" I looked at Bonnie with wide eyes. I felt the pace of my heart quicken. "That's not true, is it?"

"I can do this" she insisted.

"That's not what I asked you Bonnie." I hissed. "We can't sacrifice one friend for another. That's not how this works! We will have to find another way."

"I have the power to save her." She argued. "If I don't help, and something happens to her or you, that would kill me more."

I knew exactly how she was feeling, I would feel the same way. Unfortunately for me, there was really nothing I could do to help stop Klaus.

"Bonnie—" Elena tried to reason with her but it didn't seem like she wanted to listen.

"Would you two just answer one question for me?" She asked. "If the situations were reversed, would you do it for me?"

Silence fell between the three of us. We all knew the answer to her question, but neither me or Elena wanted to admit that right now. I was trying to think of something, anything else we could try or anything I could say to talk Bonnie out of this. But she had this look in her eye, one I had grown to known from my friend that told me she was determined.

"No. I mean— God Bonnie there has to be something else we can try." Elena complained.

Before we could say anything else, Alaric came running up to us, he had a distraught look on his face. All I could think was "here we go".

"Elena!" He called out. "He has Jeremy."

"What?" All three of us blurted in unison.

"Yes, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on!" He urged and we took off running behind him.

We chased behind Alaric, running through the halls of the school but things were too quiet. Something didn't feel right.

"Okay, so where are you taking us?" Elena questioned, still hot on Alaric's heals.

"Wait—" I said, stopping in my tracks and lifting my arm out to stop Elena and Bonnie with me. "Something isn't right."

"I just had to get away from that dance." Alaric laughed under his breath. "The sixties we're so not my decade."

I felt the breath hitch in my throat and my palms began to sweat. There was something seriously off with Alaric— the look on his face when he turned around to us was dark and empty. He looked different than I had ever seen him.

"Alaric... are you still taking vervain?" Elena questioned, reaching out to clutch my hand in hers. I gave her a reassuring squeeze like everything was okay, even if it wasn't.

"Now, why would you ask me that question Elena?" He started to walk towards us slowly closing the distance.

"He's being compelled." I breathed, taking a step backwards.

"Nope!" He laughed. "Try again."

"What's going on?" Bonnie snapped, pushing Elena and I behind her, ready to protect us if she needed to.

"Here, I'll give you a little hint." He smirked. "I am not Alaric."

Now I felt like I was going to be sick. My pulse was throbbing in my throat and my stomach felt like it dropped out of my body. I gripped Elenas hand harder, wanting to keep my friends close. It didn't take me to long to put the pieces together— the odd behavior, the way he spoke about not liking the sixties like he lived through them, the twisted look in his eyes.

"Klaus." I breathed, Elena looked over at me with a shocked expression. I guess she hadn't came to the conclusion it was him yet. I didn't even know it was possible to body snatch, but if vampires, witches and wolves were real, anything could happen.

"See." He smiled with satisfaction looking right at me. "I could tell you were smart."

"No— it's.. it's not possible." Elena stuttered.

"Just relax Elena." He rolled his eyes. "I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight— but you are." He charged towards Bonnie and she sent him flying across the hall, shattering a trophy case.

"By all means, fire away!" He screamed. "If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one."

"Run!" Bonnie yelled and we took off down the hall, through the double doors until I slammed into Damon's chest who had just been on his way to find us .

"What's going on?" He questioned, pulling my panicked face up to look at his.

"Klaus— he's in Alaric's body." I panted. "He'a like possessing it or something, I don't know!"

Damon's eyes went wide and he shuffled his body around so that Elena and I would be behind him Incase Klaus came busting through the doors.

"Okay— you two need to get out of here." He ordered.

"No! No way." I argued.

"We aren't leaving you guys." Elena agreed.

"Look, we appreciate it. But this is a strictly no humans allowed kind of battle." Damon urged and the doors swung open, Klaus walked through with Alaric's body covered in blood from being thrown into glass.

"Do listen to him ladies." He smirked. "You really don't want to be here for this."

"Just please go find Stefan, both of you." Damon ordered. "Now!"

"Fine." I agreed, running out of the hallway with Elena trailing behind me. I had to put trust in Damon and Bonnie, until we could find them some back up. Damon had it right, I was human and there was nothing I could do. I needed to find Stefan.

We were able to find Stefan and we ran together to find Bonnie and Damon but we were to late. Bonnie was locked in the cafeteria in a battle with Klaus. We were banging on the doors, trying to get in. We watched as papers flew around the room, lights flickered and then Bonnie dropped. Klaus stood there, on the other side of the cafeteria with the most twisted and deviant look on his face I had ever seen. He had just forced our friend to her death, but he couldn't be happier. I locked eyes with him, tears tracing down my cheek, I wanted to scream, I wanted to attack him but I knew better. If I charged him, I would die tonight as well. But for a moment, when he looked at me back I swore I saw his smirk fade, but then he was gone and i was back to cradling my friends lifeless body in my hands.

Klaus Mikaelson was pure evil, all the way through.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now