T w e n t y - n i n e

650 19 8


Me, Elijah and the rest of our family left town. We didn't tell anyone where we were going. We didn't want them to be able to find us.

Elijah and I promised each other we wouldn't go looking for Charlotte. We wouldn't see her. We wouldn't call. We would let her be.

I was alone at our new home on the outskirts of New Orleans when there was a knock at the door.

There was a small girl with brown hair standing on the other side.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"You're Klaus, right?" She questioned.

"In the flesh."

"Greta, the witch.. she told me where I could find you." She informed. "I'm Hayley."

"Mm, well those pesky witches should know better than to divulge my whereabouts to unknown people or anyone at all for that matter." I snarked, I was about to close the door on her.

"Wait." She pleaded. "I'm a wolf and I know you're a hybrid. I wanted to talk to you about that."

I looked her up and down. She was probably harmless and if she wasn't, what's the worst that could happen? If she tried anything she would end up dead.

"Fine. Come in."

She walked inside trailing closely behind me as we walked into the parlor. I walked to the bar cart full of drinks and poured myself a glass of bourbon.

"I'll take one of those." She blurted. I looked at her with narrowed eyes. "What can I say? I like to drink." She shrugged.

I turned around and grabbed a second glass, pouring for her before handing it off. She took a huge gulp then began mindlessly walking around the house.

She walked into the sunroom that had all my paintings stacked in it that I had not yet fully unpacked. I followed behind her.

"These are nice." She said, looking through them. "Pretty, pretty, weird, pretty. Ooo— who's this?" She stopped on a painting and held it up to me.


"And who's Charlotte?" She questioned.

"None of your business" I spat.

"Oh come on. We're just talking!" She tossed her hands up. "She's really pretty."

"She's— well you're a wolf you know... I imprinted on her." I answered honestly. Talking about Charlotte felt like knives stabbing me in the chest, it was achey and painful.

"Oh." She nodded knowingly. "But you seem sad... did something happen to her?"

"No." I huffed. "I had to leave her. It was for her own good."

She looked at me like she didn't understand.

"How could that be?" She asked. "I mean she's your imprint...."

I took a drink of my bourbon.

"I know I'll be tied to her forever. I know how it works." I sighed. "But I had to let her go."

"I haven't imprinted, so maybe I don't understand. I just thought when we do, we can't live without them." She shrugged.

"We can't. Not without pain." I admitted.

"So why put yourself through that?"

"I had my reasons." I answered, sitting down on the piano bench. "One being I was constantly putting her in danger."

"And two?" She was curious, she climbed on top off the piano to sit, only a foot away from me.

"Two, she didn't want this." I was sharing with her more than I ever intended to but I couldn't help it. It almost helped to have someone who knew about the imprint bond and how it truly worked to share this with. "She was human. So it was never going to end the way I wanted."

"She didn't want to be a vampire then?"

"No. She didn't." I admitted, thinking back to the night I found out.

"How do you know that?" She asked.

"I had my brother compel her to tell how she felt." I pressed a few of the piano keys down before speaking again. "We can't compel our imprints ourselves, so I had him. I wanted to know."


"Okay Elijah where are you taking me?" Charlotte laughed, trialing closely behind my brother who had been leading her through the woods.

"Almost there." He answered.

They walked through the clearing of the trees and there was a pond, with a small shoreline. I was tucked away in the trees, hiding so she wouldn't see me but close enough so that I could hear her. Elijah and I had planned this.

"Hmm, a pond in the woods, with an ancient vampire... totally not creepy." She teased.

"You know I wouldn't hurt you. I just wanted to come out here and talk." Elijah admitted.

"Okay." She shrugged. "So let's talk."

They sat in the sand and grassed shore beside each other.

"I want to know something." He asked.

"Ask then."

"Can you look at me?" He requested and she turned her eyes from gazing at the water to him.

"What do you want with your life? Do you want to become like my brother and I? Vampires?" He compelled.

"A vampire? No. Not really." She answered honestly. "It's hard though. Because I care for you... and I care for Klaus and I know if I don't become like you, I'll lose both of you eventually, through death... through old age. It's hard for me to think about, so maybe I would change my mind, but right now, no. I don't want to be a vampire. I want to go to college, to become a doctor and really help people, ya know? I want to get married. I want to have kids and watch them grow up. Break the cycle and be the parent I never got... just live I guess."


"So you left to let her live life she wanted." Hayley seemed surprised by my actions. I guess she has heard enough about me and assumed I couldn't be kind.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I nodded.

"Well— I'm a little drunk, you're a little sad." She said, scooting closer to me. "I think we could help each other out, even just for the night."

She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine and I let her .

Charlotte was gone for good and I needed forget.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now