S e v e n t e e n

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School was back and the homecoming dance was here. It was something I had been dreading for awhile. I hated dances. Why did mystic falls insist on doing so many?

This time I had a date though. Elijah had asked me to go with him. He said he wasn't necessarily happy about spending a night with a bunch of sweating teens but he wanted me to have a proper escort and he wanted it to be him.

I knew I needed to start getting ready for the dance but first I walked to the end of my driveway, pulling open my mailbox, eager to see if a letter was waiting. It had been awhile since the secret admire or who I believed to be Elijah wrote me a letter. I was dying for another one. They were one of the most thoughtful things anyone had done. It was an old school notion, but in a good way.

To my delight an envelope like the rest with my name scrawled across waited for me.

I wasted no time as soon as I got back up to my room, I ripped it open and began to read.

I think of you often. The thoughts you bring to my head bring me a sense of peace, allowing me a few moments of escape from the realities I deal with. It's growing harder each time I see you not to throw all my preconceived ideas about what we can or can't be or what I should or shouldn't do out the window and just let myself do what I feel.

Have you ever seen the mountains in Whistler Canada during the peak of winter? It is quiet and the snow almost sparkles under the bitter sun. It's cold, but it is one of my favorite places. There is a certain stillness I feel when I stand between the mountain ranges that seem never ending. For once, I feel small. I've been a lot of places, I have many favorite spots— this is just one. I wish I could show you them all, explain to you why each one has become a part of a list of places I love.

You deserve to see the world.


I couldn't stop smiling.

The letters were simple. But so personal at the same time. Elijah put thought into each word he wrote and that was everything.

Nowadays guys just sent texts with emojis to show how they felt.

I tucked the letter into the box where I kept the rest of them and slid it back into place. It was time for me to get ready for the dance.

I had my hair curled, then pinned up with pieces falling by my face. I was in a black dress with a slit high up one thigh. The dress was picked out courtesy of Bonnie and Caroline who swore it was made for my body.

I was supposed to meet Elijah at his house so I grabbed my small black clutch with my lipgloss and phone then headed for the door.


"Brother, you look rather dressed up for a night in mystic falls." I called out as Elijah passed my room. He stopped and came in to speak with me.

"I'm taking Charlotte to her homecoming." He answered.

My blood raged through my body, I felt my muscles tense but I forced myself to keep my cool.

"Homecoming?" I scoffed. "Stuffed in a gym with teenagers... how fun for you." My voice was dripping with sarcasm. But I was jealous.

No matter how badly I didn't want to be, I was.

"I'm doing it for Charlotte. I can handle one night of it." He shrugged. I wanted to wrap my hand around his throat. He was falling for her. He was falling for the girl I was bound to. The one girl I would forever be tied too. The one person I wished he wouldn't, he was.

Both of us could hear the tires pulling down our driveway. I looked towards the window as her car drove up.

"That'll be here." Elijah said. "Goodnight brother."

Before I could say anything else, he was gone.

I couldn't help myself, I walked over to the window. I had to get a look at her. It was like nature was forcing me too.

They were standing face to face in the driveway. She looked beautiful. I didn't expect anything else.

Elijah stopped and was reaching into his pocket, I was curious what he was reaching for until I saw it. I recognized the box.

He pulled the diamond lined bracelet out of it, one I knew all to well. One he had for decades, it was the one he intended to give to Anna-Marie before we agreed to leave town and never look back.

Her eyes went wide, she stared down the bracelet with a smile as he slid it onto her wrist. I really felt myself coming unglued now. I slammed my hand against the wall and cracks spread along the dry wall.

"History is repeating itself isn't it?" Rebekah spoke from behind me. I hadn't even noticed her in my room.

"What?" I snapped, still staring down the driveway as they drove away.

"You and Charlotte... Charlotte and Elijah." She walked towards me. "You and Anna-Marie... Anna Marie and Elijah."

This was so much different then Anna-Marie but I couldn't tell Rebekah that. I couldn't tell anyone, I had imprinted. I hardly wanted to admit it to myself.

"There is no Charlotte and me." I huffed walking away from the window.

"Oh stop it Klaus." She demanded. "We are family, you can be honest with me for once."

I stared down my little sister and I could see the compassion in her eyes. She wanted me to talk to her, she wanted me to tell her everything. She wanted to help me. Rebekah had always been that way, no matter what she was loyal to me. Even when I never deserved it. She was loyal to both Elijah and myself which is why I knew if I told her the whole truth, she would tell him.

"There is nothing." I sighed.

"I know that isn't true— so if you are ever ready to be honest or need someone to talk to..." she started.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I cut her off not letting her finish. I knew what she was going to say, she was going to tell me she would be here but I already knew that.

Before she could say anything else, my phone rang in my pocket. I didn't recognize the number.


"Hi Klaus... missing me yet?" Katherine asked.

I recognized her voice immediately.

"Not in the slightest, but if you tell me where you are I would happily meet you." I snarked, I wanted her dead but she knew that.

"So you can kill me? I don't think so." She huffed. "I have other plans."

Of course she was up to something. She always was.

"Whatever you are planning, I urge you to think carefully. I think you know what I'm capable of." I threatened.

"You already want me dead Klaus, how much worse can it get?" She countered and then she said a name that sent chills down my spine. "Charlotte. She looks lovely tonight, not surprised she chose Elijah to accompany her, instead of you. I was always a sucker for him too."

"Katerina." I growled. She was at the homecoming dance, she was after Charlotte.

"Maybe I'll go say hi or wait until she's alone and .... Well you know the rest."

"I'll rip your throat from your body if you so much as pluck a hair from her head." I snapped. The rage was taking over inside me. I knew I was giving myself away now, I was showing I cared about the girl to both Katherine and Rebekah who was still in the room listening.

"See you soon then?" The phone clicked and the other end went silent. I yelled out of frustration.

I tried to call Elijah but he did not answer.

"I have to go." I blew passed my sister but she followed after me.

"I'm coming, She's up to something Nik." Rebekah warned.

"I know."

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu