F o u r t e e n

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Senior prank night, a night where we could all be together being stupid typical teens.

"I am so super gluing Alaric's desk shut." I giggled, walking into Rics class room to get started on the fun.

"We should really unscrew the screws so when he sits he falls on his ass." Matt laughed and the imagine of Alaric eating shit on the first day of school made me laugh. I couldn't do it to Ric though, I couldn't embarrass him like that.

"Okay I'm going to help set up some stuff in the gym."  I headed for the door, walking down the hall and into the gym where a bunch of other students were starting to line the floor with cups. I grabbed a stack and started laying them out, lining them to perfection. I wasn't sure the point of this prank, I guess to make for a difficult clean up.

The doors flung open, banging against the brick wall behind them and before I had a chance to turn around, I heard him.

"Attention seniors! You've all been busted. Time to go home." A chill shivered down my spine and I spun around to see him stomping into the gym with a firm grasp on Elenas arm.


He knew.

All the other seniors started to head for the doors, leaving the gym but not me. My legs felt like stone, and my feet were practically glue to the floor. My friend was being held by the man who wanted to kill her, the man who confused me, the man who in five seconds could murder everyone in this room.

"Klaus." I muttered under my breath, not intending to say it out loud. His eyes shot to mine and it was clear he didn't expect to see me here.

"Charlotte." He deadpanned. "Turns out your friend here is alive after all, wasn't it not to long ago you were giving me a hard time for killing her?"

He was mad— really mad. I looked at Elena who looked as white as a sheet and more terrified than I had ever seen her. We both knew there wasn't a good way out of this.

"Technically I meant Jenna." I choked barely able answer him.

"Oh, technically huh?" He mocked. "Okay let's start this then."

He turned to two students who were just wrapping up what they were doing, about to head out with everyone else. I recognized the girl, she was the one Klaus had compelled to talk to us before the decades dance.

"Lift your foot up for me please will you?" He compelled the girl and she lifted her foot, then turned to the boy who was with her. "Now Chad if she drops her foot I want you to beat her to death."

"No Klaus!" Elena pleaded. "You don't have to hurt anybody."

"Oh come on love." He smirked. "Of course I do."

I was strategizing in my head, trying to think of a way out of this. I couldn't see any way for both me and Elena to escape and I didn't want to leave her behind. I knew my phone was in my pocket and if I could just get it out without raising suspicion, I could call Elijah.

I slowly slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I landed on Elijahs name. I was just about to hit the call button when my phone was snatched from my hand.

Klaus was standing in front of me with my phone in his hand and his eyes on my screen.

"Elijah, really?" Klaus scoffed. "You're breaking my heart." He put a hand over his chest in mocking way, then grabbed my arm pulling me across the gym beside Elena.

"Klaus please." I breathed.

"A little to late to be begging, don't you think sweetheart?" He scolded.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now