T w e n t y - s e v e n

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I was completely out of the loop...but on purpose. Bonnie didn't tell me about Esther and Elenas plan to link and kill all the original siblings because she knew with my feelings for the two brothers, I may get in the way.

I was upset, that was an understatement. But of course, there plan had failed. We never stood a chance against the original family, I was starting to wonder when my friends would realize that and just stop plotting against them. I wanted us all to be able to at least peacefully coexist, but I knew I was the only one who felt that way.

I wanted to scream at Bonnie, I wanted to ask her how she could lie to my face after all we had been through but I couldn't. In the midst of all the plotting and things going so wrong for them, her mother Abby was turned into a vampire.

Bonnie was devastated because since a witch can't be both vampire and witch...she would die. and so I couldn't bring it myself to fight with her, not now anyways.

Elena, Stefan, Damon and I were all sitting in the parlor at the Salvatore house. Bonnie didn't want to be around any of us right now after her mother.

"I still can't believe you guys lied to me." I huffed.

"Not our fault you are in a throuple with the Mikaelson brothers." Damon snarked sarcastically.

"A throuple?" I questioned.

"Yeah, you know a couple but with three people." he explained.

"Okay, that is not at all what is happening." I defended.

"Could have fooled me." Elena spoke up from her spot on the couch.

"Oh like you're one to talk... Salvatore brothers?" I snapped. I almost felt bad for my quick reaction, but I could't help it. Elena was a hypocrite.

"Okay, lets not do this." Stefan said, standing from his place on the chair. I could tell he was annoyed by my comments, I didn't care.

"I second what my little brother said" Damon agreed. "Lets all play nice."

The door swung open slapping against the walls behind it.

"If only you could follow your own advice on playing nice." Klaus announced stepping into the house, his eyes were wide with rage. "But you can't, can you mates?"

Damon and Stefan looked between eachother I could see the fear on both there faces. They had crossed Klaus again and he was here to make them pay for it.

"Klaus...buddy!" Damon tried to play nice. "Can't we just let the passed go?"

"Not a chance." Klaus rushed across the room and had Damon firmly within his grasp in seconds. "I knew I should have killed you a long time ago-- I learned my lesson now on showing any kind of mercy."

Stefan tried to rush Klaus but a quick swing of Klaus's arm sent him flying across the room, his back crashing against the dining table, shattering the wood.

"Wouldn't do that if I was you." Klaus smirked. "You can't kill me and you can't beat me."

Klaus punched a hole into Damons chest and was seconds away from ripping his heart from his body, I could hear Elena screama.

Damon was my friend.

Stefan was my friend.

And despite our recent spat, Elena was my friend. I knew had to do something.

"Stop." I shouted,, my voice immediately catching the attention of Klaus. He snapped his head in my direction. I don't think he had even noticed through his rage until this moment that I was here.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now