T w e n t y - t h r e e

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Days went by and I heard nothing from Klaus. I didn't see him, he didn't call, there was just nothing.

One intense kiss and then... nothing. I was starting to see that I needed to accept it was nothing with Klaus, it was just a kiss. I felt stupid for thinking it could be more or mean anything at all to someone like Klaus. I just couldn't help it.

I had been spending most of my time with Elijah. We had only grown close. I liked spending my days with him. He made time go by faster. He had seen so much, lived in so many different time periods, the stories he told were better than watching movies. I hung on his every word.

I was sitting on the couch, mindlessly scrolling on my phone with the tv mumbling in the background when my doorbell rang.

I walked over to the front door and opened it, Elijah stood on the other side. We didn't have plans today but I figured he was just suprising me.

"Well Hello." I smiled, but his face was stone. Something was wrong, I could immediately tell. "Elijah?" I reached out and grabbed his hand into mien, gently pulling him inside. The door clicked closed behind us.

"It's my mother." His eyes were wide as he locked them with mine. "She's back, she is alive...she's here."

I didn't know what to say. I was as shocked as he was. As far as  I knew, the original witch had been dead and gone for years.

"Here? As in here in Mystic Falls?" I questioned my hand still laced with his.

"Yes." he breathed.

"Okay..." I was trying to process what he was saying. "How do you feel about that?"

"Indifferent." he answered honestly. "I can't decide. My mother has always been...difficult you could say."

That didn't surprise me. I wasn't sure there was anyone in the Mikaelson family who wasn't difficult. I had recently met Kol and Finn, both were just as interesting as the rest of the siblings. The Mikealsons were starting to take over our town, making it there home. I was happy to have Elijah here and If I was honest with myself, Klaus but the rest made me uneasy.

I stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate or get the rest of what he was feeling off his chest.

"I need to go." he finally spoke. "My mother is planning something, I need to keep an eye on her,. I just wanted to tell you. I needed to tell you."

"Elijah, what do you think shes planning?" I was worried for him, for myself, for my friends and maybe even for Klaus. If she was anything like their father, this wouldn't be good.

He closed the gap between us and smiled down at me, tucking my hair behind my ears. "Don't worry about it. I'll handle her." he promised.

I smiled back at him, knowing he meant what he said. He leaned in and placed a small kiss on my lips. That was the first time he had kissed my lips. Sometimes he would kiss my cheek or hand but never the lips. It was unexpected, but not unwelcome. I knew Elijah had feelings for me and I was developing them for him, but things had been moving slowly.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" he whispered.

"Okay." I nodded and he left out the door.


"So you and Elijah, huh?" Bonnie smilled over the magazine she was flipping through, her body lounging across my bed.

"He's a little old for you." Damon snarked, seated comfortably on the foot of my bed.

"Oh, you can't be serious. Aren't you like one hundred something?" I laughed, rolling my eyes at him.

It had been awhile since Bonnie and I had just hung out. And of course, Damon decided to come just because he could. He also was wanting to keep an eye on us with Momma Mikaelson in town.

"Well-- yeah but hes like a thousand something." he defended.

"Oh come on Damon, Elijah isn't bad." Bonnie defended. "At least its not Klaus." both of them laughed but my stomach twisted into a knot at his name. I wondered what they would do if they knew I had kissed Klaus? Or how they would feel if I told them I thought I had some weird deep seeded feelings for him? They would lose it, that much I knew. Luckily, we didn't have to worry about that. Whatever it was with Klaus was done, he avoided me like the plague now and I did the same.

My doorbell rang through the house.

"Were you expecting someone?" Damon asked.

"No..." I nodded, walking out of my room and headed down the stairs. I could hear Damon and Bonnie trailing closely behind. Everyone was on high alert these days.

I opened the door  but no one was on the other side. But there was a little blue box tied up with a blue ribbon with an envelope perched on top waiting for me. I picked up the box and brought it inside with me, sitting in down on the kitchen counter.

"Well, open it!" Bonnie said eagerly, taking a seat at my kitchen counter barstools.

I tore the envelope open and inside was an invitation.

"A ball...at the Mikaelson Mansion...tonight." I read.

"A ball?" Damon huffed. "Man these people are still stuck in the wrong century."

"What's in the box?" Bonnie asked.

I untied the ribbon, and pulled it open. Inside laid a gorgeous deep blue silk gown.

"It must be from Elijah." I smiled, holding the dress up.

"Wow..." Bonnie was in awe. "That is going to look great on you."

Damon was debating if we should even go or not but I told him I had too be there for Elijah. He was reluctant to give in but I think he knew I would go whether he wanted me to or not.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but tonight, I would be going to a ball at the Mikaelsons.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now