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Damon was waiting outside for me when I pulled up to the Salvatore mansion. His face was the same as it had been for days, glum. That was the only way I knew how to describe it. We were no closer to helping Elena than we were when I left two days ago.

"I'm sorry." I breathed, stepping out the car door he held open for me.

"You have nothing to apologize for." He insisted, wrapping an arm around my shoulder in a side hug. Damon and I were close. It took awhile for us to get that way since when he first came to town we all hated him, some of us still did but I don't. I had grown to realize that Damon was just different— he had his own way of doing things, or trying to fix things that weren't always the smartest but it made sense to him.

"You guys figure anything out?" I questioned, walking inside the house.

"Not really." He huffed. "This guy sure does like to keep people guessing."

"Probably comes with being like a thousand years old." I laugh, trying to make light of our situation in any way we can.

I followed Damon into the house where Bonnie, Elena and Stefan were waiting, sitting in the parlor. Both Elena and Bonnie ran up to me and embraced me in a three way hug.

"I'm glad your back." Bonnie smiled. "Damon should have never asked you to go." She furrowed her brows at the dark haired Salvatore, before she suddenly pulled away from me, looking me up and down with an expression I could only describe as horrified.

"Bonnie?" I questioned.

"What is it?" Elena asked, picking up on our friends quick change of mood.

"I— I don't know." Bonnie stuttered.

I exchanged a look with both Elena and Damon, who then looked back to Bonnie with there faces twisting in confusion.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Damon asked, annoyed with the witch.

"When I touched you, I got a feeling." She admitted. "It was— it was different. That's all."

"Okay... different bad? Different good?" I was trying to make sense of what she was saying.

"It was cold and dark." She muttered, shaking her head like she almost didn't believe it herself. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Everyone looked at me, like they also wanted to know the answer to that question. I was fine, of course I was fine. I was probably the most fine out of everyone here. I didn't know why Bonnie felt what she did when she touched me, but her witchy senses could be a little messed up with all her new found power she had channeled.

"I'm completely fine you guys." I defended. "Bon, I think all the new power has you on edge." At least that's what I was going to tell myself. There was enough going on around here we didn't need to add something about me being dark and cold to the mix.

"Well there you go, Charlie is fine. Elena is fine. For now we are all fine!" Damon announced clapping his hands together. "But we won't be if we don't get to work on a plan of how to stop Klaus."

"We already have a plan Damon— me." Bonnie said like it was a already decided.

"No way." I argued. I wasn't going to let her go up against the most powerful vampire in existence , no way that was happening. She has been a witch for all of like four months, she wasn't ready for this. I didn't care how much power she now has, it wasn't worth the risk.

"I can do it. I can beat him." She defended. I could tell she believed that or was at least trying to but I didn't buy it.

"See! Bon bon says she's got it." Damon smiled. "So, that's the plan."

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now