Chapter 7

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After a good night's sleep, Nari was happy to be awoken by Jay and his coffee for the first time in a week. "Your coffee is godly," she said taking a long sip. He smiled, ruffling her hair before leaving her to get dressed.

When she exited, she found everyone already gathered for breakfast. "Hey, Nari," Sunghoon started. "I noticed when I was waking you up that your door is always open at night, why?"

Jay hummed, swallowing his food before speaking. "That's true, it's been that way since day one. I noticed during the first week, but didn't say anything."

Nari flushed, playing with her food to avoid answering. "I...okay, if I tell you, you can't make fun of me." After each of the boys promised, she took a deep breath. "I'm scared to be alone in the dark."

There was a dead silence before Jake cracked a grin, giggling. Nari's face flushed as she got up and began punching his shoulder.

"What did I just make you promise?!"
"I-I'm sorry! It's just cute! Stop hitting me!"

Jay stood up and picked Nari up from behind, removing her from Jake and plopping her down in her chair. "So, you're afraid of the dark?" Heeseung carefully asked. She bit her lip.

"Kinda, yeah...I'm fine if I'm not alone in the room, but that's why I leave the door cracked at night...back home I used to sleep with the TV on." She flushed as she saw the way they were cooing at her. Desperate to change the subject, she turned to Jay with a thought in mind.

"Anyway, did y'all hear about the time that Jay touched my-"

An hour later, everyone was downstairs practicing. They'd decided to form subunits to practice the vocal and dance missions in case a member needed to be switched out. However, this meant Nari was left to practice alone upstairs until Sunghoon was ready to switch dances and work with her.

Although it was lonely, she recognized that she had her own solo dance to work on as well, so getting a head-start might not be so bad. She focused on the hip hop routine first, seeing as that was the easier one to practice alone.

An hour into learning the choreography, she paused and began talking to the camera. "여러분," Nari paused, placing her hand over her throat as it was suddenly very hoarse. "You may be thinking, 'Why did they leave Nari alone up here?' The boys are downstairs working on the other missions, so I'm here working on mine."

As she continued practicing, she also continued talking to the camera. "Should I do this expression? Or maybe this? I'm so bad at sexy concepts, and now I sound like I smoke six packs a day on top of that."

"I don't think talking to the camera is your best bet," K interrupted, walking into the room with Jungwon. Nari flushed, embarrassed at being caught talking to herself.

"How much have you learned?"
"I have it all memorized, it's just not clean. Or attractive. What are you guys doing here?"
"Jungwonie wanted to come check in on you."

Nari gave the younger boy a small smile. "Aw, that's sweet. Wanna see what I have down so far?"

"You need to relax, you're too tense," K commented after she finished.

Nari pursed her lips, attempting to do as he said. K shook his head, going next to her and showing how the move should go. She tried again and again, still unable to perform the move smoothly. After a while, K left the room to return to practice and Nari slumped down onto the floor.

"I suck."
"You don't suck, you're just struggling. What's up with your voice?"
"I think I must've blown it out during 'Fire.'"

He hummed in reply. "By the way," he started, sitting down in front of her. "Why are you struggling? You've done just fine with choreographies harder than this. What's making this hard for you?"

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