Chapter 19

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Author's note; final I-land chapter!!!!! Thank you for reading this far, please request and check out my other enhypen added member story!


"Close your eyes," her makeup artist instructed. Nari obeyed, squeezing the bottom of her shirt as more eyeshadow was applied.

Today was the day the debut group would be revealed.

They'd chosen to open the show with the last 10 members performing "I&Credible", which is what they were currently preparing for. The butterflies fluttering in her stomach reminded her of her first ever performance, the day they arrived on set. She grew slightly nostalgic at the thought, but her reminiscences were interrupted as she heard the announcement that they'd be going on in only 30 minutes.

As her stylists finally finished her hair and makeup, Nari immediately went to find a quieter, more open space. She wandered into an empty dressing room, sitting against the wall and leaning her had back against it.

Everything I've done for the past three months- no, the past two I'll find out if it was enough.


Her head snapped up, and she offered a small smile as she saw Jungwon enter the room. "Wonie," she greeted in reply as he sat next to her. "What are you doing in here?"

"I came to look for you," he stated simply, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt.

There was silence for a few minutes until Nari quietly spoke up. "Does it ever feel unfair to you?" Jungwon looked up at her, unsure of what she meant. She pursed her lips, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the wall again.

"It's just that, our entire lives, our whole futures are being determined today. Based on what millions of people around the world want to see in a group, but even moreso, based on whatever M-Net aired and chose to portray us as." Nari opened her eyes again, her gaze softening as she met his. "I don't know, it just kind of sucks if you really think about it. In the end, how hard we work and how hard we have worked before the show...even after all that, it's out of our control."

Jungwon's brows furrowed as he suddenly pinched her shoulder, making her yelp. "What's gotten into you? It's not like you to think like this at all," he chastised. "You're talking as if everything we've done means nothing if we don't debut. Is that really what you think? What about all the memories and friends we made here? What about..."

"What about us?"

Nari's heart stopped as she realized he was completely right. When had she become so selfish? "You're right, I'm sorry." The younger boy's demeanor softened as he took his hand in hers.

"We're all nervous, even Heeseung hyung. None of us know our fate. That doesn't make what we've done here meaningless." He stood up, offering her a hand. "Come on, we're on stage soon." She accepted his offer, pausing as she was face to face with the slightly younger boy. Nari leaned in slightly, but Jungwon pulled away, his face turning red.

"Our makeup..."

She smirked, raising an eyebrow. "They can reapply it, but who knows when you'll get to kiss me again." He rolled his eyes, still blushing as he grabbed her waist and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "Okay, now we can go."

Minutes before they were to go on stage for their first performance, Sunghoon silently intertwined his hand with hers. Nari turned to him shocked; it wasn't often he initiated affection. But the uncertainty in his gaze made her bite the questions about to spill from her mouth. She felt his silent plead for comfort.

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