Reverse Requesting?

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Hey guys, it's your fav author here lol

I'm gonna be real. I'm very burnt out. And I'm not saying that to like make you guys worry bc I have actually been updating, and I don't want you guys to think that you stressed me out if that makes sense? Bc writing these stories is one of the only things bringing me joy nowadays. It's a relief. So please, don't feel guilty for requesting.

I'm not gonna go into details bc it's not necessary, I just have felt kinda lost? And distanced from my emotions? A bit isolated, but I like it? Bc being around people is just exhausting. BUT the point of this chapter is that I actually have a request of you guys!

I'm sure many of you have read other En- books, maybe some SKZ stuff, Seventeen, etc. I want recommendations of books to read, one shots, etc. I want stuff to read because it helps my mental health. It can be on any platform, any rating, etc. I just wanna hear your guys recs bc y'all obv have good taste if you're here 😎 (im kidding lmao)

So uh, yeah. That's this chapter? I hope yall enjoy this book! And plz do put links or titles in the comments or even dm me or post on my message board! I'm even willing to read stuff you guys have written and give comments if you want!

Thank you for reading this little rant? A/n? Whatever. Have a good day ❤️

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