Chapter 10

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The next day, the producers came to evaluate the trainees performance. Everyone performed their hardest, lining up as they finished.

They started by pointing out Jungwon's struggle with his solo part in the second verse, recommending that he switch with someone else. Zico then turned to Nari, making her purse her lips with nervousness.

"Nari, you're doing better with the choreography than I expected."

She smiled in surprise, bowing as she thanked him.

"But," he continued, making her heart drop. "There's one part where you look...almost cute. The moves before the second chorus, you're reaching over the boys right? Because of your height, in that part you look even smaller. To compensate for that, you need to find a way to look more intimidating."

With that, the producers left. Everyone decided to take a break, spreading throughout the building. Nari headed to the weight room, deciding to stretch to relieve the tension in her muscles.

About half an hour later, everyone was gathered in the practice room to discuss part 5. Ultimately, Jungwon decided to switch parts with Heesung. Nari noticed the younger boy seeming a bit down, so she went over and hugged him from behind.

"Jungwonie, why are you so comfy?"
"You think everyone and everything is comfy, Noona."

"Seon hyung," Jaebeom spoke up. "Tell us about the story from before."

"You see the pillar right there?" Seon pointed to the left. "When we were practicing the first verse, I saw someone standing there."

Nari walked over to the spot during the slight commotion of the trainees, making Seon exclaim in surprise. "It was in that exact spot!" She shrieked and ran back over to the others, making them giggle. Jay then also brought up an all white mannequin with no features he had seen before. The entire vibe was low-key freaking Nari out, making her shiver as chills ran down her spine.

Later that day, Nari had finally put thoughts of ghosts behind her as she sang in the shower, washing her hair. "Let's just run for our lives-" She stopped abruptly as the lights suddenly turned off.

"Yah! That's not funny!"

When no one answered, she felt herself grow a bit anxious. She hurriedly put on her glasses, wrapping the towel around her as she headed to turn the lights back on. She flipped the switch several times to no avail. Nari went to open the door to go ask what was going on, but she couldn't get it to budge open even though it was unlocked.

"Guys! This isn't funny! Let me out!"

The boys heard her banging on the bathroom door, and quickly gathered from throughout the building. "Nari? Are you okay?" Seon asked.

"Let me out!"

K immediately began tugging on the door knob, seeing that it was indeed stuck. "Nari, take your hands off the knob. I'm gonna try to open it." Nari reluctantly obeyed, and after a strong jolt, the door was opened.

She ran out of the bathroom, clearly distraught. "Okay, I get that y'all are messing around with each other, but that was not cool!"

"Nari, no one was out here," Jake explained. "I swear to you, none of us came out here until you started banging on the door."

"What happened?" Seon asked. Nari explained how the lights shut off and wouldn't turn back on, and how the door wouldn't open either. Sunghoon could see how genuinely afraid she had been, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Go finish your shower, we'll all stay out here in case you get stuck again, okay?" She slowly nodded before re-entering the bathroom.

They didn't talk about the ghost anymore in her presence.

Run For Our Lives |Enhypen's 8th Member|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin