Sasaeng Incidents

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"You ready?" Jay asked as they prepared to leave the car. They knew there'd be quite a few fans waiting for them outside their dorms after their first live performance of their debut song. Nari nodded, putting her mask on before following behind her members.

Making her way through the crowd, she stayed as close to the boys ahead of her as possible. A hand grabbed her wrist, and assuming it was Niki who had been behind her before, she didn't show any sign of protest.

However, as she was suddenly yanked backward, Nari turned and quickly realized it was not her member at all, but yet another intrusive male fan. "Nari, I love you! Please marry me!" Her heart sunk to her stomach as she tried to retrieve her hand from his, but he wouldn't let go.

"Let go of me!"
"Marry me!"

When he wouldn't let her leave, she began slapping his face. "Are you insane? Let me go!" Even as she smacked him over and over, he refused to let go of her. Engenes eventually realized what was happening, and some fans went to try and help her fight off the sasaeng.


Niki ears perked as a fan was desperately shouting in Japanese. He turned to the sound of the voice and saw several people anxiously pointing in the direction of a small crowd. "Hyungs!" he screamed, grabbing the attention of Sunghoon and Jake who were in front of him.

They turned to him in confusion, but when they saw the panic in his expression as he bolted back towards where they'd parked, they knew Nari must've been in trouble.

The group of fans trying to get in between Nari and the man parted way to make room for the maknae as he sprinted in her direction. "Back off!" Niki yelled, shoving the man away from her and standing in front of her protectively. Sunghoon and Jake eventually caught up with him, all three boys standing right beside her as they guided her to the building's entrance. The same group of fans that had tried to help her before now formed a traveling wall around the members, holding wrists to prevent the chain from being broken.

As she finally was able to safely enter the building, she was immediately looked over by her members for injuries. "I'm fine, my wrist is sore but that's all," she assured. Jungwon let out a small sigh of relief, running a hand through his hair and kissing her forehead.

"This really needs to stop happening."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they entered the dorm, wanting to relax after such a stressful experience. Sunghoon sat on the couch, pulling Nari into his lap protectively "Did you fight back?"

She nodded. "I slapped him, several times."

He pet the top of her hair. "Good girl." She relaxed at his touch, letting herself lean into him more.

"The public might not see it that way," Heeseung quietly reminded, earning a glare from Jungwon. "I'm not saying it's right," he quickly defended.

"Let's not worry about that right now, let's just relax," Jake suggested. The eight ended up taking a communal nap in the living room, each hoping these incidents would stop.

"Noona?" Jungwon called from the living room. She yelled a reply from the bathroom, continuing to braid her hair. "When you're done I need you to come here." Nari's lips curved downwards in concern. His tone of voice was unusually serious.

"What is it?" she asked, taking a seat beside the young leader on the couch.

"Have you checked Twitter recently?"

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