Sexist & Homophobic Interview (TW: S/A, HOMOPHOBIA, SEXISM, VIOLENCE)

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Enhypen was preparing to do one of their first interviews in America, and naturally, Nari was hyped. She would be back in her home country with her native language, a place where she would always know what people were saying and where she was.

The eight were getting their makeup done, chattering amongst themselves when the male interviewer showed up, introducing himself before getting ready. "Are you nervous?" Jake asked Nari. She shrugged with a small smile.

"I'm on home turf, I'll be fine."

They took their seats, Nari on a stool toward the center with Jungwon on her left and Heeseung on her right. "Hello everybody, I'm here with K-Pop group Enhypen! Please introduce yourselves!" After they went one by one stating their names, the interviewer started asking questions. They were simple enough, Nari jumping in here and there as they discussed choreography and such.

"Nari, this question is for you. What is your favorite outfit to perform in?"

She raised an eyebrow curiously before considering her answer.

"I really liked the outfits for '10 Months Love', they were comfortable and cute."
"I bet you enjoyed that."

Nari shifted uncomfortably, laughing awkwardly in confusion at his reply. The interview continued, and she noticed that he continually addressed the boys when discussing their music and choreography. When he asked her an individual question again, she pursed her lips.

"What's the hardest part about being in a group with seven guys?"
"Honestly, it's the limited number of bathrooms. Though I suppose that's a problem you'd have with seven girls too."
"Really? I'm surprised you didn't say being attracted to or falling for them. After all, they're very handsome."

Nari sat up straighter, her eyes narrowing at the interviewer. "So, because I'm a woman, I can't control my feelings for men?" Jake stared Nari down from his seat, praying she'd take the hint and not make a scene. The others, not as fluent in English, were wondering why she looked wary of their interviewer.

"I'm just saying it must be hard not to catch feelings when you live with seven guys as a girl."
"Would you say the same thing if I was living with seven girls?"
"Well, no. That's different."
" know, girls date guys."

By now, Nari was leaning forward, baffled at the blatant sexism and homophobia leaving their interviewer's mouth. " There's an entire community of girls who specifically don't date guys." Jungwon placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her down. An angry Nari was not a pretty sight.

"You seem to be very defensive of the LGBT community, why is that?"
"Why would I not be when blatantly homophobic statements are leaving your mouth?"
"Still, this seems personal for you."
"You're offending my community, so it is!"

Jake hissed her name, and her eyes immediately widened as she realized she'd revealed her bisexuality. The interviewer smirked, and Heeseung placed his hand over her clenched fist. "I think that's enough," he confidently interjected. The interview ended abruptly as Nari stormed off, seven boys on her tail.

"I can't believe that just happened!" Sunoo rubbed her back comfortingly as she continued to rant. "He set me up! That dick! He wanted me to out myself so Enhypen would get bad press!" The boys muttered amongst themselves, trying to figure out what to do while Jungwon pulled Nari into his embrace.

"Try to calm down, Jagi."

Her brows furrowed as she pushed him away slightly. "Jungwon, this man attacked an entire community of minorities—a community I'm part of—not to mention women in general, just to make a headline. Do not tell me to calm down." Their leader frowned, her words hitting him hard. She bit her lip, pacing back and forth.

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