I could use some support

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Hey guys, I'm about to go through a really fucking rough time in a few hours and I could use some support. I didn't think I'd ever use wattpad for this and I never want my readers to feel taken advantage of, but I don't want to reach out to people who know me irl right now.

If anyone's 17+ and up for just talking about anything or ranting, or just any comfort at this point, plz dm me.

(The age limit is there because I don't feel comfortable talking to people younger than that about my issues or adult problems and I know for a fact some of y'all are like 12 💀, but I still love you guys and will appreciate any form of support you give)

I'm sorry, I know I've been doing these weird very personal authors notes lately. I'm not trying to be like odd and out here sharing all my business, but the comments you guys leave really help my mental health and for some reason I trust you guys. Idk anymore, I'm sorry.

So uh...that's all this is. Thanks guys, sorry if these are getting annoying.


Hey guys uh just to clarify I am NOT in any danger or anything like that 🫡🫡🫡 I realized that after my message about almost passing out and then this that could be construed into a very concerning situation lol


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