Christmas Special

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Nari sat in her red and black plaid pajamas, a Christmas hat on her head and bright smile painting her features. The members of Enhypen were gathered around their little Christmas tree in the living room, drinking hot cocoa and sharing laughs.

"Let's open the presents already!" Niki exclaimed, his youth showing. Heeseung patted the maknae's shoulder.

"Alright, let's pass them out."

Every member sat with seven presents before them, one from each other person. They let the maknae go first, seeing as he was clearly excited. The first one he opened just happened to be from Nari.

"It's...a compass?" he questioned. She smiled gently, knowing he wouldn't understand immediately. "The directions are wrong though. And why's there a house at the top?"

"Instead of being set to true north, it centers around Japan. Specifically, your hometown. So, whenever you miss home, you can look at the compass and know you're aligned with your family."

He glanced back down at the compass, his eyes immediately watering. Nari knew firsthand it was difficult to be away from family during Christmas, especially for the maknae. "Noona..." he trailed, wiping his eyes before jumping into her arms.

"Merry Christmas, Niki."

"Thank you so much," he mumbled, relishing her familiar comfort. She placed a kiss on his forehead before encouraging him to open the rest of his gifts.

"Open mine next!" Nari shouted, excited to see Heeseung open her gift. He chuckled before obeying, unwrapping the gift she handed to him. He intentionally went slowly to irritate her, resulting in a flick on the forehead from the impatient younger girl.

Finally tearing off the paper, he was met with a plaque that had the date he started training and their debut date, along with the words, "Never forget that you did it, Lee Heeseung." Everyone was aware that after not debuting with TXT, he'd been nervous about his future. After all, he trained for a long time, and despite being the "ace" trainee, never felt good enough. She wanted him to always remember the hard work he put in and recognize that he accomplished his dream.

"Oh Nari," he breathed, fingers tracing the words carefully. "I love it." She grinned, accepting his hug.

"I'm so glad! I wanted you to know how proud everyone is of you and stop being so hard on yourself." He nodded in understanding, eyes tracing the plaque in awe.

"She's gonna make all our gifts look like shit," Sunoo suddenly whined, earning a laugh from the girl.

Sunghoon had gone next, and opened his gift to reveal a pair of heelies designed to look like a pair of ice skates.

"I know it's not the same as actually ice skating—"

"Shush," he interrupted, grinning as he tried them on. Immediately, he was rolling around the living room and kitchen. "I'm gonna use these around the house, I hope you know that."

She giggled, squealing in surprise when he lifted her onto his back before proceeding to wheel around the house. "You still owe me ice skating lessons, don't think I forgot," she mentioned.

"I know."

"You're kidding me," Sunoo breathed dramatically, looking at the gift card in his hands. "A year's subscription? How much did this cost?"

"Don't ask questions I'm not gonna answer," Nari brushed off. She'd gifted Sunoo a year's subscription to receive skincare supplies from his favorite brand every week for the next year.

"I love you!" he squealed, bouncing excitedly and pulling her into a tight hug. "Can I use them on you too?"

"Sure," she laughed.

Jay had received a ton of cooking utensils he desperately wanted and Jake got a koala pillow pet along with a ramen recipe book (that she made him promise to make for her as well). As much as she loved watching all her members open their gifts, she was most excited for Jungwon's.

"Open it!" she insisted, bouncing up and down in excitement. Jungwon giggled, pecking her lips with a small flush before obeying. As he tore open the wrapping paper, at first it was merely a box that the words, "The Story of Us" written on.  As he opened it though, it popped open into numerous photos of them together so far, some receipts from their dates, and even the letters they'd written to each other just for fun.

"Oh my god," he whispered, carefully touching each object like he was reliving every memory. He stopped at a photo of the two of them on their first official date, his eyes watering as tears immediately slid out. "Noona, this is so beautiful." He turned to her, going to press a kiss to her lips when she gently stopped him.

"If we're gonna kiss on Christmas, it might as well be under some mistletoe." She pulled out a mistletoe ornament from behind her with a cheesy grin, making him cheese back at her. "Look away boys, I'm not holding back."

Although Jay and Jake made jokingly disgusted sounds, they were incredibly happy for the young couple as their lips connected in utter joy. "I love you so much," he breathed between kisses, tears still spilling from his eyes.

"Okay well now you HAVE to see what he got you," Sunoo interrupted.

"She should open his gift last like he did hers," Heeseung argued. Nari giggled, pressing one last kiss to Jungwon's lips before grabbing her own gifts.

She started with Niki's. He had given her a bunch of bookmarks with different song lyrics on them, something she appreciated since she always lost hers somehow. Jay gifted her a very high quality thermal mug with her name ingrained to put her morning coffee in. Sunghoon got her a pair of ice skates—he was keeping his promise to her after all! Sunoo got the both of them matching makeup bags with 2003 written on it, along with a stick figure boy and girl holding hands cutely for symbolize their friendship. Jake gave her a bunch of hair items including high quality shampoos and conditioners for her texture hair and accessories like scrunchies and hair bands. Heeseung got her a heated blanket so she wouldn't be cold anymore, as well as some warm and fuzzy pajamas.

Last was Jungwon's gift. Her heart pounded as she unwrapped the cube-shaped present, her jaw dropping as she was met with a beautiful jewelry box that also had a small handle on the side.

"This is gorgeous, Wonie!"
"Turn the handle."

She glanced at him before doing so, her heart melting as it began playing a music box version of "Say You Won't Let Go." It was the song they'd danced to together for their I-Land mission, where they first began realizing their feelings for each other.

"Open it," he encouraged.

"There's more?"
"Yes, my love."

Nari lifted the music box/jewelry case and saw a gold heart shaped locket. When she opened the locket, a photo of their first kiss during the I-Land revealed itself. "How did you even get this?" she gaped. The only way there'd be any sort of capturing of that moment was through the cameras in I-Land's building.

"I went through all the unreleased footage of that day and there happened to be a perfect angle of our first kiss."

Before he could prepare himself, she threw herself into his arms, already wetting his clothing with her heartfelt tears. "I'm so fucking lucky to have you." Jungwon embraced her tightly, rubbing her back.

"Merry Christmas, jagi."

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