Jungwon babying Nari compilation (short chapter)

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"Wonie," Nari whined, back hugging him as he sat at his laptop. He raised an eyebrow curiously. "I'm cold, come back to the bed."

"I have homework to do, Noona." She groaned, placing her cold nose in the warmth of his neck. "Noona..." Nari immediately made a small noise of complaint.

"You've been away for, like, hours!"
"I've been out here for 45 minutes."

She pouted, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. He sighed. "You can sit on my lap until I'm done." Her eyes lit up as she immediately koala-hugged him, humming quietly in content.

"Thank you Wonie..."

He smiled despite himself, placing a kiss on her neck. Jungwon finished about an hour later, only to discover she'd fallen asleep. He lifted her, carrying her to her bed before crawling in next to her. "I'm so lucky."

"And five, six- Noona? Are you okay?"

Niki's sudden pause made the others turn to the girl whose hands were resting on her stomach. "Let's take a break," Jake suggested. Nari immediately shook her head.

"I'll be fine, keep going Niki."

"You obviously don't feel well," Jay interjected. Sunoo nodded in agreement, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I can't just not practice every time I don't feel well." Nari sighed, shaking her wrists out as she continued. "Otherwise, I'd be completely out of the picture for 4-7 days every month."

"It's getting worse every time ever since I-Land," Sunghoon pointed out sternly. Niki shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to do.

"We're taking a five minute break," Jungwon ultimately declared, using his authority as the leader of the team. "Noona, come with me for a second." Nari solemnly nodded, following Jungwon out of the dance practice room.

"I know you're worried about me, but we can't stop every time I'm on my period."

"Practicing when you look like you're about to throw up every five seconds is not productive," Jungwon countered, taking a step closer to the girl. She sighed once more, rubbing her temples. He tilted her gaze up to meet his. "Noona," he started. "Talk to me as your boyfriend and not your leader for a second. How do you really feel?"

Her eyes almost immediately watered, her lips pursing. "I feel like shit," she said, her voice cracking. Jungwon wrapped his arms around her, scratching her back and pressing soft kisses to her hair. "Everything hurts...I feel like I'm gonna throw up every time I move...I'm sorry I'm so emotional right now."

"Don't apologize," he whispered. It wasn't news to any of the members that right before and during her period, she always became uncontrollably emotional. "Take deep breaths with me, okay?" She nodded, sniffing as she began to follow his breathing.

"I don't wanna let you guys down or hold you back," she said, wiping her eyes as she momentarily pulled away from his embrace. "I'm already one of the weaker dancers in the group, so for us to have to keep stopping—it's not fair to you guys."

"Jagi, you won't make any progress in learning the dance anyway if you feel this bad. It's better to rest and start again when you're healthy and not in pain," he gently insisted. Nari looked away from him hesitantly. "Let me take care of you," he pushed. Biting her lip, she slowly conceded.

Jungwon reentered the dance practice room. "I'm going to have Noona rest for a few hours, I'll be back in ten minutes. Go ahead and start again without me." The boys nodded, standing up and getting into position as he exited.

He walked her to an empty room with a couch and blankets, putting a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door before helping her lay down. "I'm texting the manager to bring you medicine, okay?" Nari nodded, making herself comfortable as he tucked her in.

"Wonie," she called before he left. "...thank you." Jungwon smiled, walking back to her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "Of course, Jagi."

"Oh Jagi," Jungwon cooed, rubbing her back.

Nari had messed up a dance move during one of their stages and collided with Jake. She felt awful about it, and immediately broke down in tears as they left the stage.

"I'm fine Nari, I promise!" Jake assured, smiling and trying to cheer her up.

"But I messed up the entire formation," she sniffled. "Engenes are gonna notice."

"Everyone messes up sometimes jagi," Jungwon mumbled in her ear, pulling her into a hug. "It's okay." She glanced up and met eyes with Niki before averting her gaze shamefully.

"Noona," he started. "I'm not upset with you for messing up the choreography. I'm just glad you and hyung are okay. So don't worry about that, alright?"

She swallowed, nodding slowly into Jungwon's shoulder. "I still feel awful." Sunghoon flicked her forehead, making her glare at him.

"Simply stop."
"That's not helping!"

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