Chapter 17: Stiles P.O.V.

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I just pull into the parking lot of the one and only vet of Beacon Hills Dr. Alan Deaton for he might be one of the only people who might understand my weird ass dream or maybe its more of a nightmare either way I need to know what it means. I enter the clinic and I call out " hello Dr. D." 

Dr. Deaton come out of the back to the front and states "oh hello Stiles, what brings you here at this time of night? You're lucky you came when you did. I was just about to leave as I just about finished closing up. What can I help you with?" 

I explain my weird dream or nightmare to him saying "well I had this weird dream or maybe nightmare but basically I wake up or I thought I woke up and I see Stuart staring at me but when I walk over to him he's still staring at my bed like I didn't just move up to him, so I look at the spot I was just at and I see something but it wasn't something it was someone staring right at me like I moved but this someone didn't and this someone looked like me but not me like when was I the Nogitsune or when the Nogitsune took my body for a spin I woke up not long after I saw him. SOOO . . . What do you think it means?" 

Dr. Deaton just listens to me and doesn't interrupt when he answers I hate what he says "well to be brutally honest Stiles from what you just told me I hate to say it, but I believe it may be possible that somehow the Nogitsune is still possessing you. How, when, where this could have occurred, I can't say but you also have to remember that I might be a supernatural know it all as you all say but I can't speak for knowing everything about anything like in your case about the Nogitsune. It's something I've never come across so just remember that I can give you an answer to the best of my ability but try not to take it to heart for I could be wrong, so I advise you to maybe get a second opinion like Noshiko for she knows more about the Nogitsune than me." 

With that I'm completely and utterly crushed not only is it possible for the Nogitsune to still be possessing me, but I have to most likely go to Noshiko for help with more likely than not being possessed by the Nogitsune well that's just great, I guess I'll just have to wait and find out for sure. 


I get home and head straight to our bedroom to see Scott and Stuart playing chess on the floor as soon as I walk in Scott and Stuart look up at me and say to my surprise at the same time "Hey Stiles, how are you?" 

As I answer I try to sound as normal as I can so as not to sound like I'm so totally not okay and totally freaked out and worried. "Hey guys I'm just fine, great even. So how are you guys. Having fun." They both answer again the same time "yeah I had a good time and I'm just great/down to earth." Scott looks at Stuart and says, "what do you mean by down to earth?" 

Stuart answers simply "Cause we're on the floor and Styling Stiles asked how are you guys as such that should explain my answer, plain and simple."

Scott then says, "well now that you explained it, that makes perfect sense." I thought I should leave and let them hang out but right as I was about to leave the room to go to the living area Scott stands up and stretches stating "I should probably be getting back to mine but I'll see you tomorrow Stuart so we can finish the game until then I'll be going now." 

Stuart answers with fake hurt "aww fine but you better be back tomorrow or else." Scott answers back "of course but it will have to be later in the day as I have school, but I'll come by after school." Stuart smiles and gets up to sit in the desk chair while Scott gestures to me to follow. 

I follow him out and we're standing in the driveway he asks for a ride, I say "alright but I have to get my keys." He puts his hand up to reveal my keys, so I grab them and go to the driver side to start the jeep up while he hops in the seat on the passenger side and off, we go to Scott's house. 

As we're sitting there in the peace and quiet on the way to Scott's, Scott speaks "Hey are you going to tell me why you had to leave so suddenly and most importantly where." 

I keep my eyes on the road as I tell Scott that I went to Dr. Deaton for advice, of course I didn't give any specifics on what kind of advice or why I needed advice in the first place. 

But that didn't stop Scott from asking. So, I just kept quiet and focused on the road ahead as we headed to Scott's.


I finally get home after dropping Scott off at his house and I head straight to bed as I see that Stuart is still at the desk reading his book. 

I flop onto my bed and pull the covers up and over to try to get some sleep before I have to take Stuart back to the hospital for a checkup until then I'm going to at least try and get some rest.

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