Chapter 21: Stuart's P.O.V.

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Stiles and I are waiting in the waiting room of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital for my checkup. But soon someone calls out "Stuart Stilinski" and Stiles and I look up to see none other than Melissa. We walk over to her, and she tells us "Stuart, Stiles follow me." 

She's being very professional about it. I don't know why but it's kind-of getting on my nerves, we're led to a room and Melissa walks over to the right of the gurney and pats it saying, "Could you please sit here." 

I'm so annoyed so I say "Whatever " and start walking instead to the left side and hop on the gurney Melissa walked over to my side of the gurney and starts asking me questions. "Any dizzy spells, nausea, light headedness, headaches, or anything else that you can think of even if you think it's nothing." 

I answer as simply as possible "Nope" Melissa asks, "are you absolutely one hundred percent sure" I think this time and I realized that I might have had a headache, but I've never had one so I'm not so sure so I tell her "Yeah really I can't think of anything . . . Except maybe a small headache nothing to serious." 

Melissa asks me "when was the headache? and how long did it last?" I reply "well . . .I believe the headache occurred yesterday soon after I left with Stiles, and it lasted up until we got to the house." 

Melissa then turns to Stiles and motions for him to follow, he follows her outside the room, and she tells him "Well I still need to ask him some questions, but about the headache. It's actually very common for people with head injuries to complain about headaches not long after the incident so it's nothing to really worry about. I'm going to go ask him some more questions, but I want you to go wait in the waiting room I'll have him out soon." 

Stiles speaks back in response to her "alright thanks let me know." Melissa speaks again to Stiles "will do Stiles" and she opens the door and walks in looking out the window so I look to and see that she was watching Stiles walking towards the waiting area as she proceeded to walk up to me to ask me the further questions, she told Stiles about "Stuart can you remember for me the order I say these 4 objects." 

She looks like she's waiting for me to answer I look up at Shrugging my shoulders up for it seem like it could be fun "why not" she tells me "now remember in order ball, car, tree, spoon. . . Got it" I answer "yep got it ball, car, tree, spoon" Then she ask me to "Please state your full name, age, your Birthday, and today's date." 

I again answer and I start to get annoyed again " my full name is Stuart Twombly Stilinski, I'm 17 years old, my birthday is April 8, 1995, and today is April 19, 2011" She responds to my answer "very good now can you tell me the objects we named earlier in order. I'm immediately Confused as I looks at her with an unreadable expression for, I have no idea what she's talking about, so I ask, curious " objects, what objects." 

She has a look on her face that tells me she's deeply troubled with some worry she also looks to be deep in thought. She tells me we're going to go get Stiles I hop up off the gurney bed and walk towards Melissa and we head out the room door to the right to get to the waiting room. 

We get there and Melissa opens the door and she tells me to find a seat and they'll be right back she just needs to talk to Stiles, I say "Alrighty" and she motions to Stiles to follow he walks up to her and she shuts the door behind him and speaks and somehow I can hear every word she tells him "Sorry to say but he most definitely still has a concussion and still some hints of amnesia so he'll still have to be watched but I feel by the third day he'll be back to full health" 

Stiles speaks and says to Melissa "thanks Melissa and we'll be here tomorrow, same time" I hear her ask and confirm what Stiles said "yes same time and Stiles how are you, you sleeping well" I can't help but wonder why she asks Stiles that he responds. 

"I've been good, and I've been sleeping well, thank you for asking" I hear the doorknob start turning and it opens to reveal Stiles and calls me over and that we're leaving. He waits while I walk over to him and exit the waiting room as Stiles is holding the door open and we start walking towards the exit when Melissa calls out to us "Stiles, Stuart." S

he runs up to us and tells us " Just so you both know, Dr. Conners wants to talk to you both tomorrow as well so make sure you plan to stay for a while. Stiles asks her "wait both of us, why?" She immediately puts on a defensive, unreadable expression when she answers "Dr. Conners didn't tell me he just said that he wants to talk to both of you after Stuart's check-in." 

Stiles and I look at each other with a worrying look. And Stiles thanks her and we head towards the doors to the parking lot, we emerge from the doors of the hospital to the parking lot and head to the jeep, we get in and drive home, on the way towards home I can't stop thinking about how when Melissa spoke about Dr. Conners her heartbeat was wonky and I immediately knew she's hiding something.

{but what} but as we got closer to home it seemed that whatever I was thinking about slowly started to disappear and then I thought "what was I thinking about?" I decided not to worry about it and just look out and watch as the world goes by as Stiles, and I head to home.

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