Chapter 20: Melissa's P.O.V.

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I'm at the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital doing my rounds checking on all my patients when I get announced on the pager that Stuart Twombly Stilinski has arrived with Mieczyslaw Stilinski for a second I thought who... when I remembered right Stiles.

I head to the room where Stuart will be checked in to and pick up the clipboard with all the information on Stuart and his condition to add or take away information when needed and head towards the waiting room and immediately, I see Stuart and Stiles. I call out "Stuart Stilinski." 

The two boys look up at me at the same time and start walking up to me I tell them "Stuart, Stiles come with me" they followed me to the room I walked to the right side of the gurney walking up to it and say to Stuart "Stuart could you please sit here." 

I say patting the gurney and soon Stuart answers with "Whatever " And starts walking to the left side of the gurney and hops onto it. I walk over to the left side to be face to face with him and ask him the screening questions "Any dizzy spells, nausea, light headedness, headaches, or anything else that you can think of even if you think it's nothing." 

Stuart answers simply "nope" but I had to be sure so I ask, "are you absolutely one hundred percent sure" This time Stuart thinks for a good amount of time before answering "Yeah really I can't think of anything . . . Except maybe a small headache nothing to serious." 

Just to make sure, but I believe I know but as for this job if you have any doubts make sure, so I ask him "when was the headache? and how long did it last?" 

Stuart answers "well . . .I believe the headache occurred yesterday soon after I left with Stiles, and it lasted up until we got in the house." 

Just as I thought I should probably tell Stiles so I motion for Stiles to follow so we could talk alone away from Stuart "Well I still need to ask him some questions, but about the headache. It's actually very common for people with head injuries to complain about headaches not long after the incident so it's nothing to really worry about. I'm going to go ask him some more questions, but I want you to go wait in the waiting room I'll have him out soon." 

Right as I was about to open the door to ask Stuart some more questions Stiles calls out "alright thanks, let me know." I knew what he meant so I respond, "Will do Stiles." 

and I open the door and walk in and look out the window and see Stiles walking towards the waiting area as I proceed to walk up to Stuart to ask him further questions "Stuart can you remember for me the order I say these 4 objects." 

I wait for him to answer when he says as he shrugs his shoulders up "Why not" I tell him "Now remember in order ball, car, tree, spoon, got it" Stuart answers "Yep got it ball, car, tree, spoon." 

so now the real test begins so Stuart please state your full name, age, your Birthday, and today's date." Stuart again answers "My full name is Stuart Twombly Stilinski, I'm 17 years old, my birthday is April 8, 1995, and today is April 19, 2011." 

He got everything right now I need to see if he remembers the 4 objects "Very good now can you tell me the objects we named earlier in order. Stuart looks at me with an unreadable expression and asks " objects, what objects." 

I am officially troubled with worry, but I know Stiles can handle it... I hope. I might have to ask Scott to help out for he said he was heading over there after school to finish a chess game with Stuart. I'll ask Scott after I get off. 

But for now, Stuart and I need to go to the waiting room to talk with Stiles, I tell Stuart we're going to go get Stiles he hopped up and walked towards me and we headed out the room door to the right to get to the waiting room. 

We get there and I open the door to see Stiles very alert, so I tell Stuart to find a seat and we'll be right back I just need to talk to Stiles, he says "alrighty." 

And I motion to Stiles to follow he walks up, and I shut the door behind him and speak "Sorry to say but he most definitely still has a concussion and still some hints of amnesia, so he'll have to still be watched but I feel by the third day he'll be back to full health." 

Stiles speaks and says "thanks Melissa and we'll be here tomorrow, same time" I look at Stiles as he says this and the whole time, I can't get over how tired he looks and I wonder if he's sleeping at all, so I ask and confirm "yes same time and Stiles how are you, you sleeping well" 

Sometimes he's too smart for his own good. I know he's probably lying but if he doesn't want to tell me anything fine. " I've been good, and I've been sleeping well, thank you for asking." 

Stiles immediately turns to the door and opens it and calling Stuart over that they're leaving. He waits and Stuart comes out of the room, and they start walking towards the exit when I call out to them "Stiles, Stuart."

I run up to them and tell them " Just so you both know; Dr. Gardner wants to talk to you both tomorrow as well so make sure you plan to stay for a while." Stiles asks me "wait both of us, why?" 

I put on an unreadable expression when I answer "Dr. Gardner didn't tell me he just said that he wants to talk to both of you after Stuart's check-in." 

Stuart and Stiles look at each other with a worrying look. And Stiles thanks me and they head towards the doors to the parking lot.

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