Chapter 19: Stiles P.O.V.

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Stuart and I are waiting in the waiting room of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital for Stuart's name to be called. "Stuart Stilinski" 

Melissa called out with a clipboard in her hands and says "Stuart, Stiles come with me" We follow her to a room, and she asks Stuart, "Stuart if you could please sit here" 

She pats the gurney next to her waiting for him to start walking or say something when "Whatever" He walks to the other side of the gurney and sits down. 

Melissa walked over to Stuart and started asking him the screening questions. "Any dizzy spells, nausea, light headedness, headaches, or anything else that you can think of even if you think it's nothing" Stuart answers simply "Nope" 

Melissa making sure "Are you absolutely one hundred percent sure" this time he looks like he's really thinking about it before he answers "yeah really I can't think of anything . . . Except maybe a small headache nothing to serious" 

Melissa asks him "When was the headache? and how long did it last?" Stuart replies "well . . .I believe the headache occurred yesterday soon after I left with Stiles, and it lasted up until we got in the house." 

Melissa then turns to me and motions me to follow, I follow her outside the room, and she tells me "Well, I still need to ask him some questions, but about the headache. It's actually very common for people with head injuries to complain about headaches not long after the incident so it's nothing to really worry about. I'm going to go ask him some more questions, but I want you to go wait in the waiting room I'll have him out soon." 

I felt like protesting but I decided against it "alright thanks let me know." Melissa answers with her hand on the doorknob about to open the door "will do Stiles" and with that she heads in the room and shuts the door behind her, and I head to the waiting room to wait for Stuart.


It felt like forever, so I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. When I see the MRI room and I instantly felt a shiver run up and down my spine, goosebumps covering my arms I sudden felt cold. I reached up to rub the back of my neck, not only because I was cold but I'm also nervous. 

I decided to open the door to the MRI room and to my shock it was open. I walk in and look around, but I see nothing except the MRI machine and the glass window to the room that operates it. When I hear . . . Footsteps, Footsteps I know all too well. "Hi there Stiles, miss me." 

I'm stuck I can't move, and I can't seem to find my voice like I no longer I'm the only one who can use it like it's because *he's* talking. 

He speaks again "Fox got your tongue" he says that with that cocky smirk of his I feel like screaming but my voice is non-existing no longer mine. Then it came to me I'm just dreaming, 

The moment I realized that my voice came back "Your just dreaming, your dreaming, so wake up Stiles, WAKE UP!!!!" 

I jolt myself up and see I'm still in the waiting room when Melissa and Stuart come through the door, and she speaks "Stuart wait here I need to talk to Stiles" Stuart speaks back "alrighty" 

She again motions me to follow, once the door shuts behind us she speaks "Sorry to say but he most definitely still has a concussion and still some hints of amnesia so he'll have to still be watched but I feel by the third day he'll be back to full health" 

I tell her "thanks Melissa and we'll be here tomorrow, same time" Melissa replies "yes same time and Stiles how are you, you sleeping well" 

I knew Melissa was trying to catch me in a lie for if she's asking it means she must have noticed something, so I make something up . . . mostly "I've been good and I've been sleeping well, thank you for asking" 

I immediately turn to the door and open it and call Stuart over that we're leaving. I wait and Stuart comes out of the room, and we start walking towards the exit when Melissa calls out to us "Stiles, Stuart." 

She runs up to us and says, "Just so you both know, Dr. Gardner wants to talk to you both tomorrow as well so make sure you plan to stay for a while" 

I ask her "Wait both of us, why?" Melissa has an unreadable expression when she answers "Dr. Gardner didn't tell me he just said that he wants to talk to you both after Stuart's check-in" 

Stuart and I look at each other with a worrying look. I thank Melissa and we emerge from the doors of the hospital to the parking lot and head to the jeep we get in and drive home.

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