Chapter 26: Stuart P.O.V.

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Stiles and I are trying to relax after Melissa telling us about our doctor wanting to talk and I see Stiles with this look he usually gets when he's really focused and thinking really hard on something. I can almost hear the gears turning in his head. 

I decide to suggest a possible distraction "Hey! Stiles! want to do a round of chess" Stiles answers "Sure Stuart, set it up" I set it up and we play more the one round of chess we part after the game, and I get back to my book I'm now on the 2nd book of the maze runner trilogy the scorch trials. 

Stiles decides to rest it seems but he's heart is all over the place so that make me believe he must be very, very worried and nervous. But it seems he settled with just laying down on top of his Star Wars comforter and just stare at the ceiling. As he stares at the ceiling, I decide to head downstairs, so I don't disturb him, but I'll keep my ears open . . . . Just in case 


It's been a while since Stiles was laying down try to sleep, I guess when I hear his heartbeat going haywire again but what's unsettling is the fact, I can hear it even if just faintly. I hear something else {is that no wait yeah . . . Stiles is talking in his sleep} 

Stiles's voice is growing louder I was debating whether or not to head up when Stiles voice skyrockets so loud it scared me half to death and I instantly race up the stairs faster than I've ever ran and I see Stiles screaming, so I go over to him and try to hold him but he's so loud it hurts my wolf ears so I end up trying being louder than but that was a bad idea but it's too late to turn down now so I persist "STILES CALM DOWN!!! Your safe calm down you're ok" 

It seems that I finally got through to Stiles "Stuart . . . What's wrong" I'm dumbfounded and like what the hell. Is he serious "Really you're asking, well I was just downstairs for like a few seconds before I hear your heartbeat starting to go through the roof. when I hear what I think is you talking in your sleep, gets louder and louder so I race up the stairs to you going ballistic. I try screaming louder then you, but it was like the louder I got it wasn't loud enough to your sufficient and well-developed lungs like God dude." 

There he goes again dozing off to ramble city "Stiles! Hey . . Do you think you could tell me what the hell that was . . Or are you going to try and ignore the problem until it goes away. Remember I know you and I know that's your go too, but this is something that is more likely than not to be going away unless you do something, or at least talk to me or someone, please Stiles if I can't help then please don't ignore it do something, anything." 

I might not know what's going on, but Stiles is still my twin, my brother and he might not ever know exactly how I feel. I'm not the type. Stiles speaks "Stuart, I hear you do you think you could at least keep this to yourself I don't want to worry dad or Scott, but I will go talk to someone, but you still can't be left alone so I'm going to call Scott if that okay." 

I feel a sudden rush of relief go through me "yeah that's okay as long as you do as you say and go talk about it and if you ever want to talk with me . . I'll listen." 

I will listen but I won't like it and I know that Stiles knows that I like to hear myself talk so for me saying I'll listen is . . .well me coming out of my comfort zone when Stiles says "you listen . . Stuart I personally don't think that's in your DNA, I think that part is non-existent, and I don't want you to strain yourself or break something. But thanks for letting me know." 

 I stare at him with a look that could kill and say "well that's true thank for thinking of me. Now shall we call Scott?" 

I of course was fine with not having to hear some else talk, but I was kind-of hoping Stiles would tell me but either way Stiles pulls out his phone and dials Scott telling him that I wants to play chess with him, and Scott responds "Cool! I'll be right over!" 

That's when Stiles heads to the front door and grabs his jeep keys on his way out the door and to his jeep to wait for Scott. Probably because he doesn't want Scott to know the real reason for calling him.


I hear Scott arrive as he parks his bike and I hear him walk and I realize he's walking around to the driver's side to talk to Stiles my suspensions are soon proved correct when "Hey Stiles! . . .where you off too?" 

I hear Stiles answer him "Well I had an errand to run, and I just thought since you and Stuart will be hanging out it would be the perfect time to go." Scott responds, "well okay see later then." Stiles tells him "Yeah. See you later." 

I hear him backing out and hear Scott walking again more likely heading up the drive to the front door, so I head downstairs to get the door and open the door to reveal Scott, I let him in the door and before he asks me if I know where Stiles is off to, so I suggest "let's go upstairs and play some chess." 

I don't let him answer and start going up the stairs to the room and hear Scott coming after as I start setting up the board.

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