Chapter 29: Stuart P.O.V.

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I continue reading my book when Stiles tells me that his gonna lie down and try to get some sleep. I say "Whatever Stiles! Do Whatever the Hell you want! I DON'T CARE!" 

I'm still upset, and I'm done hiding it, like I said I don't care anymore. Scott's sleeping on the floor in between my bed and Stiles' Scott then speaks to Stiles " Sweet dreams Stiles." Stiles tells him "Thanks you too." 

Stiles then starts getting in bed and asks me "Hey Stuart. What are you going to do?" I decide not to say anything until I put my book on the bookshelf and grab the third book in the maze runner trilogy the death cure and I say to him "I'm gonna read this. Until I feel like going to bed or if I get hungry whichever comes first." 

Stiles looks at Scott and immediately looks back up to me and tells me "Alright well Sweet dreams to you Stuart." I reply " like I said Stiles Whatever! And will you just go to sleep already so I don't have to talk to you. So, I can finally enjoy the music that is my own voice. I'd very much appreciate it." 

I just want him to go to sleep as well as Scott so I don't have to feel constant eyes on me so maybe I could go for a short walk. I'm also annoyed that Stiles thinks that I wouldn't notice him look at Scott. It's like they arranged for Scott to watch me but whatever. 

I've been reading for a while and decide to look and see if they're both asleep and I put my bookmark in and put my book on the desk and see they are both indeed asleep, so I take the moment to slip out of the room and go for a walk. Not long into my walk does Scott walk up to me asking "What are you doing? You're not supposed too alone." 

I've had it with him! He has the audacity to ask me that. By this point my rage has been growing but now it's at the point where I can't hold it down and my wolf breaks free of the chains and the wall I put up and shatters through. 

I lunge at Scott with uncontrolled speed and accuracy fully wolfed up and Scott barely has time to wolf up before I'm clawing and biting and I throw him at a nearby tree and I come at him to attack again but Scott was ready for it but I knew he would Scott fell for it and I trip him by swiping my foot under him he falls backwards and growls in not only pain but anger I take this opportunity to grab his throat with my clawed hand and slowly start choking him as Scott is gasping for breath I got this weird sensation that was telling me that Stiles is in trouble I let go of Scott and let him drop not caring about how I almost killed him. 

The feeling I got only grows and when I finally enter the room by jumping in through the window the feeling became so overwhelming I was about to attack what I thought was an intruder but right before I attacked I realized that wasn't an intruder, it was Stiles he was standing at my bed side and I slowly approached Stiles and I remembered how Stiles would sleep walk when we were kids especially after mom died but he grew out of out I guess . . . I don't know . . Grew back. 

I believe that could be why I got that feeling but the more I look at him the I more I think there could be another reason. Scott comes in the window being very slow when approaching. I tell him "I think there's something wrong with Stiles. He hasn't moved an inch and if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought that he was dead." 

Scott finally comes up to me and tells me "We need to get Stiles to Deaton's." I ask him "why? what's wrong with Stiles?" Scott whisper snaps at me "Look we can explain later but right now we have to get him to Deaton's before he snaps out of whatever state he's in." 

I can hear the urgency in his voice, so I tell "alright but we have to be careful. Stiles is in some kind-of dream state if we wake him let's just say we might be wolves but all that will do is to ensure that we don't get too hurt." 

I move even closer to Stiles and point to where Scott should be. Luckily, he gets the idea and moves to where I pointed and show him where to grab then I count down with my fingers 3.2.1. 

We grab him at the same time as gently as we can and lift him up and we start towards the front door and while Scott kept hold of him I moved one of my hands to both grab Stiles keys to the jeep and open the door we exited and got to the jeep and I opened the door and Scott got in the back with Stiles and I shut the door to the back and opened the door to the front driver side and hopped into the seat, put the keys in the ignition and start the jeep and race towards Dr. Deaton's animal clinic.

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