Chapter 57: Stiles P.O.V.

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I just pull up and making my way to the door. I calls out "dad! Stuart! You home!" I hear as someone is coming down the stairs I turn to see Stuart and Scott hmm I ask "oh Scott what are you doing here?" Stuart is sniffing around and he asks looking at Scott "Scott you smell that?!?" He does the same sniffing around saying "oh my what is that." He smells closer towards my direction "oh dude . . . You reek. Uck" I give a look and I'm thinking I do so I lift my arm to smell my shoulder and I ask out loud "do I smell that bad. I took one this morning" I don't think I smell that bad when Void speaks " I think they're just messing with you. Joking around." I say back in my mind " yeah most likely" after Stuart suggests "Maybe it's the soap. Here" He hands me a bottle of shampoo. Well then I look at them saying "ohh cool thanks I'll go now." I feel as they watch me as I make my way up the stairs 2 at a time and disappearing entering the door to my room to take a shower. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I take a nice long shower to wash myself to insure I do a good job. I just finish up grabbingmy towel wrapping I aroundmy waist. I step out usinganothertool to dry my hair as I finishI look at the mirroras my eyes go wide as I see my reflection realizing "What the hell! Ohh your guys are so dead!" I go out of the bathroom and open my bedroom door. I jump down the stairs coming at them full of rage. I'm so pissed I shove them both simultaneously saying "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I knew something was off. This!!!" He points at his hair "is not okay. Look at it. How am I going to explain this. Your dead you hear me dead!" I storm off to my room slamming the door shut to get dressed and i hear Scott and Stuart starting to laugh their asses off. I swing open the door yelling "this isn't funny guys. The whole school is gonna eat me alive. Coach and the whole lacrosse team too. I'm never going to hear the end of this." They stop laughing and i hear as Scott and Stuart start heading up the stairs to seeing me sitting on my bed covering my face with my hands while my elbows are on my knees in complete and utter embarrassment. Scott speaks "it's not that bad." Instantly I look at him giving him a death stare as how can he say that saying "are you kidding me right now. Have you seen it. Well look . . . at . . . . my . . . FUCKING . . . HAIR!!!!!" I'm so done with them I'm so pissed. They are so in for it "Hey look it's just temporary anyway it'll be gone in approximately 3-6 weeks maybe sooner if you wash it excessively with shampoo." I turn to glare at Stuart then says " Half a month are you serious. Was that supposed to make me feel better?" He shrugs his shoulders "I thought maybe it would." I'm still staring daggers into him speaking again "well guess what? It didn't work. I'm gonna be the talk of the week and I'm never going to live this down. I'm gonna get you both back, so you better sleep with one eye open." I brush past Scott and Stuart lightly hitting their shoulders as I leave my room going out the door and slamming it. I start my jeep and wheel out of the drive leaving once again. I need to let off steam. Void cuts in " I have a few ideas on how to let off steam. If you'll allow it." I start smirking and say back in my mind " let's hear it." He responds. "Why don't we go get a drink or two. And follow with eating from the crowd. Maybe cause a little chaos well we're at it." That sounds like a good idea besides it'll help me get my mind off of the obvious "sure let's have some fun Void." He says back "yes, let's" I smirk and continue to go to the bar.

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