Chapter 23: Sheriff's P.O.V.

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I just pull into the lot of the Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department and hop out my police car and walk up to the door that leads directly into the station. I go to my office but before I even get in the door I'm stopped by Deputy Parrish "Sir Agent McCall is waiting for you in your office." 

I tell Parrish thanks and go and open the door to my office and there stands Agent Raphael McCall, FBI agent specifically. I walk around to sit in my desk chair and ask "So what exactly is this about" 

Raph looks at me with a straight face unblinking and speaks while tossing a folder on top of my desk "this, this is why I need your help" he looks at me, then the folder. I know he wants me to open it so I do and when I see the contents of the folder I'm deeply mortified and sick to my stomach I quickly close it, but not fast enough. I immediately ask, "What the heck is this!" 

I don't swear for I don't want Stiles But more importantly Stuart to grow a habit of swearing even in situations like this. 

Agent McCall answers me "This right here is why I need your help, these murders have caught the attention of the higher ups and they want answers, and if you look at the most recent one it happened in Beacon County. Whoever is behind these murders is heading directly to Beacon Hills, it's high profile and is an active investigation which is why I needed you to sign the nondisclosure agreement, you and I are to go and see if we can't smoke them out." 

I just hope that this isn't some kind of suicide mission. For someone or something to do what this thing did is one hundred percent soulless and truly a monster. I tell Agent McCall "Alright do we have any leads." 

McCall answers "Yes we have an idea on where there hiding out but mind you it's nothing concrete, so you and I are going to scope it out see if there's any sign of it being true, if we determine that this place is indeed the place, I'll call my superior and let them know that it's the place and wait for back up." 

I listen to his plan, and it seem like a god one but I noticed some loopholes so I mention them "Well that sounds like a good plan and all but I couldn't help but notice some holes in the plan like what if we're spotted, they try to run for it, if something happens before back up comes. What are we to do then." 

Agent McCall answers "Good questions, as for what to do I have been given permission to do whatever it takes to take down the murder and if there's more than one same thing goes even if that mean having to do things if back up doesn't get there." 

I stare dumbfounded he basically means he has the ok to shoot first and ask well . . . Never, but maybe if we can be sure not to get noticed and actually be able to wait for back up that way no more blood will be shed. I ask him "When do we leave?" 

McCall answers "Right now, you're riding with me." He walks over to the door and opens it and walks through it and heads out to where his car is parked. I follow after and hop in the passenger side and buckle up as McCall is starts up the SUV and we head off towards supposedly the place where potential Murder or Murders are.

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