Chapter 33: Void P.O.V.

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We just got to Deatons and Stiles goes to the door and opens it with a ding of the bell and Deaton comes around the corner and responds " hello Stiles. What can I help you with?" He replies "well I had another dream. Can I tell you about it?" Deaton tells him "of course. You know the drill." He knew what Deaton meant so he turns towards the door and instead of going out he turns over the open sign to closed and follows Deaton to the back "Alright Stiles. Tell me?" He tells him and again he listens and finally responds "well again Stiles I'm not an expert on kitsunes, but I'll tell you what I can." Stiles tells him "yeah that fine. So what can you tell me?" Deaton says " from what I gathered, to the best of my ability is that maybe its possible that it's not Void, but your subconscious talking to you trying to warn you about Stuart." He's shocked and I'm injoying every once of it, every feeling is fueling me making me stronger, I feel it's almost time for phase 3 "What!! Why would my subconscious need to warn me. Why warn about Stuart. What is it about Stuart." Im thinking to myself how delicious this conversation is, Deaton speaks again "I think that's what you need to find out" but then I make him think of the dream he had at the hospital so he asks "Deaton . . What about the dream I had at the hospital? That had nothing to do with Stuart." For I knew exactly what Deaton would say, Deaton answers "well Stuart was at the hospital at the time was he not?" Stiles answers back "yeah but . . ." Deaton interrupts "but every time you've had these dreams he was within seeing distance. The one at the hospital was the only one as of now where Stuart wasn't within seeing distance." Stiles retorts "but I knew where he was. Why does it matter if I can actually see him or not " Deaton suggests "well why not test it find out whether or not Stuart could be the cause of your dreams." Stiles is so confused while I'm drowning within Stiles's ever growing inner strife" what do you mean?" Deaton ever so patient "I mean Stiles find out if Stuart is really Stuart. Find out if Stuart is still himself if he is that leave only one other option I'm sure you can figure it out." Stiles once again shocked but asks "how do I test this out" Deaton answers "all you have to do is determine whether or not it's you or Stuart. I suggest having someone there when you go to sleep as in someone other than Stuart like Scott so he can keep an eye on you and Stuart so when you go to sleep Scott will be able to see if Stuart is doing something and if he isn't you have your answer" Stiles feeling so defeated and hopeless and I'm feeding from him growing even more powerful and he hates when Deatons right he tells him he's going to right now as soon as he get home he's doing this.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We get home and he's just opening the door and putting his keys away and calls out for Scott. Scott comes out and down the stairs and comes right up to Stiles "Stiles. How are you?" He tells him "I'm fine, but I need one more favor and I think it's time I tell what's been going on.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After he explains everything, Scott's just standing there probably in shock but Stiles pokes him and saying "Scott, are you ok?" Scott snaps out of his Daze and speaks "Are you Serious?" He answers "yeah. So can you help?" Scott looks almost offended and I feed from Scott's feeling of Stiles even thinking he wouldn't "Of course I can help I'll watch you guys like a hawk nothing is going to get past me." He says "okay good let head up." And I'm here thinking yeah right Scott do you mean nothing is going to get past me as in me myself and I, Void. After we enter the room, we see Stuart in his usual spot at the desk with his book the scorch trials maze runner book. Not looking up from his book he says "Stiles your back, how was it getting everything you needed off your chest." He tells him "yeah thanks for asking" Stuart talking as if he didn't hear us and still not look up from the book "So Scott . . . what's the plan you heading home or what?" Scott responds "I'm staying the night my mom asked if I would be okay with helping Stiles to look out for you. of course I said I would." Stiles can't help but wonder if that was true but at least Scott's here so now we can find out once and for all who's the fox in the wolf house. I know immediately Scott lied and I can feel Stuart's anger slowly growing into from a candle lit flame to a raging forest fire.

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