Chapter 41: Stiles P.O.V.

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I feel weird and as I wake I realize I'm in this wicked looking chair that more likely than not was the source of the pain, I was about to reach up and rub my neck but was halted. I see I'm bound real good as I see not just my wrist, but my ankles, shoulders, and stomach and thighs are all bound tight. Then I remembered everything. I look up and see everyone just staring at me and Deaton is the first to talk " Stiles how did you know about the chair." I say simply " the Nogitsune" Deaton then asks me " then how did he know?" Once again I close my eyes searching for the answer, I open them and explain "Well to be honest he's thought about how if anyone would make a plan for his return it would be you. Making something specifically for his kind and I'm not intirely sure but possibly anytime I came here he would see if you were up to anything. So what now?" Deaton says "well first if you feel him let me know so I can activate the mechanism to inject the lutharia vulpina. As for a plan I believe you can help with that." I'm confused wouldn't it be best if I didn't know the plan "Deaton what are you planning wouldn't it be better if I don't know the plan." As I finish my statement I realized 2 plans one I know, one I don't. {Smart.} I start to feel uncomfortable and start squirming even though I can't really move as I'm bound, basically glued to this chair. I just then realize why. It's Void he's the one squirming, in my head. Not long after I started squirming did Deaton notice and without me noticing at first as I'm too focused on not squirming too much in the chair incase squirming makes it so Void comes out and once again I feel the sensation of being jabbed in the back of the neck and feel myself drifting back into unconsciousness and welcome the comfort of the darkness.~~
I don't know how long I was out but I feel as if the more this happens the worse I'll feel. I feel so out of it, I feel so groggy and tired. Right before I try to sleep someone speaks " Stiles talk me?" I look up reluctantly and see to my surprise. . . . . . Stuart "talking. Can I sleep now. I'm so tired." Stuart retorts "I can't, I need you to tell me anything you can about the Nogitsune's plan anything that could possibly help us." I again close my eyes thinking of what the Nogitsune will do next as well as anything that could help them, my eyes shoot open as I know exactly in detail his plan. The plan is to wait on Scott first he has more than one obstacle in place prepared for any of what Scott might do so I ask "Stuart get me a pen or pencil and paper." He gets up from kneeling next to me and goes and gets what I asked and came right back. Holding the piece of paper near my hand while putting the pen in my right hand and I tell him "go get a clipboard." He does and comes back with the paper already on it and hands it to me. I write everything I could think of about the Nogitsune's plan as I'm finishing up the last few parts I feel the Nogitsune fighting back again but I pull through and finish writing and tell Stuart " done and Stuart make sure Scott gets this. It will help you guys I even put some of my thoughts on it. What to do in each situation how to handle it . . . . . everything." Stuart tells me " of course Stiles and just so you know. I know I don't say this but I . . . .love . .you. your the better brother your a good guy your better than me.. we both know your the favorite." Stuart saying that surprisingly makes me feel better but Void is not giving up and I know exactly what he's going to do so I tell Stuart "Stuart look over the paper and help Scott if anyone can out smart the Nogitsune it's you, Scott, and Lydia. You three working together will defeat him he's making Scott choose but their is one loophole he overlooked. It's that he never specified that Scott could talk over he's options with anyone he only said Scott had to tell him which piece he wanted to move so talk to Scott come up with plan and put me in checkmate. You and I both know chess can end in as little as 2 moves. So the Nogitsune made 1. Make the move and put me in checkmate he's fighting but I'm going to give you a hint on how you guys can win this. come closer." Stuart comes closer so I can whisper in his ear. "Stuart remember us you and me remember the memories. all of you have memories that will be imperative for you too win. Think of the most memorable moments I've had with each you and you can defeat him. Please I. . . . Don't want to play. One last thing the endgame will end with Lydia's but don't let it, make sure it ends by Scott's move." I feel him he's taking over. I black out again.

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