Chapter 1: The Girl in the Purple Suit.

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(Your POV)

I'm currently on my way to Iron Heights to see my dad, I'm nearly visiting him every month now. I know he's the Reverse Flash but hey he probably wouldn't have done anything that bad, I mean he was a great father to me.

Guard: "Here to see your dad again?"
You: "Yeah it's almost become a monthly thing."
Guard: "Yeah well don't do it too much, he might become a bad influence."
You: "Trust me he won't, now can I go in?"
Guard: "Yes of course, though there is already a girl from the CCPD in there."
You: "Alright, thanks."

As you were let in you heard only the last word from the conversation between your dad and the girl, that word was speedster.

Eobard: "Ah hello Y/N good to see you again! I was just talking with this girl here, she's a forensic scientist like you!"

Oh damn she's cute, she's probably here for speedster questions.

You: "Good to see you again dad and nice to meet you... uh what's your name?."
??? : "Oh right, I'm Nora West-Allen."
You: "Alright, my name is Y/N Thawne."
Eobard: "So we got the introductions out of the way, now why are you here son?"
You: "Well I actually wanted to ask you something meta-related for uhh... Work! Yeah, definitely work. Is it okay to ask with Nora here?"
Eobard: "Depends on what you're about to ask, I mean you're both CSI so Nora probably also needs to know if it's work related."
You: "Alright then, does a child of a meta get their powers from their parents when they are born or do they develop them later in life?"
Eobard: "Well that's completely random with children of meta's. Why do you want to know?"
You: "Well there is a new speedster in town, he calls himself Godspeed so I was just wondering if he could be a child of a speedster."
Eobard: "Oh okay, well I believe it's almost time for you two to go, Nora if you could please go outside I want to speak to my son in private."
Nora: "Alright I'll be waiting at the front of Iron Heights, I'll see you in a minute Y/N."
You: "See you in a minute."

Nora then exits and walks away.

Eobard: "Was your question just now really work related or are you getting powers?"
You: "Both."
Eobard: "Alright now I believe it's the time to tell you this since you developed powers, in the basement if you go to the top left corner you'll see some tiny bricks in a number pattern. You'll have to put in this code: 2024. Then you will see a ring, in that ring will be your suit for if you want to go be a hero."
You: "Oh shit thanks dad, though really, my birth year?"
Eobard: "Hey I couldn't think of something else! Now I believe it's time for you to go, Nora's still waiting outside."
You: "Oh right, see you next time dad!"
Eobard: "See you next time."

You then walk to the exit.

Nora: "Hey Y/N!"

You jump and look to your right.

You: "Oh Jesus Nora you scared me."
Nora: *giggles*
You: "So you got a ride home?"
Nora: "Well I kinda just uhh walked here?"
You: "Oh damn that's a long walk, mind if I drive you home?"
Nora: "Oh uh yes I would like that." I can also just run home but I can't reject a cute guy's offer to bring me to my house.
You: "Alright then, get in."

You both get in your car as she tells you her adress so you can drive there.

After a little while you arrive at her house.

You: "Want me to walk you to your door?"
Nora: "No it's fine, plus my mom will probably think I was out drinking or something."
You: " Alright then, oh by the way here's my phone number if you ever need something."

You then hand her the piece of paper with your phone number on it.

Nora: "Alright thanks, I'll be sure to call! See you later."
You: "See you later."

You then close your window and drive to your house.
You: I really hope Nora calls me later, she was really nice. And cute too.

As you get home you immediately go to your basement and look in the top left corner to see some boxes there, you moved them away and... There it was, the number lock.

You: "So he said 2024, time to see if it works."

You type in the code and sure enough it opened.

You: "Not gonna lie I'm gonna be surprised if this ring doesn't reveal my identity at some point, it's literally got the logo on it! Now how the hell does this thing work? Uhhhh go suit? Shazam? What if I just punch the air?"

You punched and your suit popped out the ring, you put it on in superspeed.

You: "It fits perfectly somehow, though is this suit not gonna give people the wrong impression?"

You turn the emblem around so it looked like the Flash's emblem.

You: "I hope that will be enough. Now let's go and defeat some bad guys!"

As you were running you notice another new speedster with yellow and purple lightning.

You: "Who the hell is that? Let's see if I can catch up."
???: "Who the hell are you? Pretty sure you're not the Reverse Flash, he's still in prison! Wait a minute... Y/N?!"
You: "Bruh how the hell do you know me?! Oh wait a second, you know you're doing a awful job at hiding your identity Nora."
Nora: "Hey! I don't have some suit lying around, this is the best I could make!"
You: "Well if you made it yourself it's decent."
Nora: "Thanks, it's my mom's old jacket with a logo I made. Got the mask from S.T.A.R. Labs."
You: "Wow you stole the mask?"
Nora: "Uh sort of yeah, I found a secret room with team Flash their stuff and there I found this mask."
You: "Oh alright, wanna race?"
Nora: "Sure but don't think you can beat me!"
You: "Hah we'll have to see who wins."

You two then start racing through Central City, it all went great before she opened a damn portal and ran through it.

You: "What the shit, better follow her to make sure she's safe."

You go through the portal and end up somewhere with Nora.

You: "Nora where the hell are we?"
Nora: "I think we're in the past, 2017 to be precise."
You: "Shit, any idea on how to get back to the future?"
Nora: "I don't but I have an idea of who might."
You: "Who?"
Nora: "The Flash AKA my uhh my father Barry Allen."
You: "I'm sorry your father is the Flash?"
Nora: "Yup that's him."
You: "You do realize our fathers are each other's arch enemy right?"
Nora: "I'm pretty sure my dad is a nice guy, even to the son of his arch enemy."
You: "I hope you're right otherwise I'm gonna have a problem."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now