Chapter 39: The End.

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"Arrow! How's it looking over there?!" You ask through the comms.

"No casualties yet, nearly got no arrows left though." Oliver responds.

"Okay, give me a minute."

You speed over to the Arrow Cave and gather hundreds of arrows in a bag. You speed to Team Arrow and drop it off.

"Thanks." Thea says.

"No problem, Katniss Everdeen."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. No casualties on your side?"

"Not yet, we'd all like to keep it that way."

"Yeah, so do we. Go check up on the supes."

"Alright, will do. Good luck."

Thea and Oliver do a slight salute and you speed off to London, where you find Team Supergirl and RWBY.

"Y/N! Everything okay in Europe?" Kara asks.

"As of right now, lots of debris, but no casualties. Here?" You ask.

"Same as Europe. Seems like Gallifrey's got ships to spare." Clark answers.

"Yeah, it sure does seem like it." Someone in blue says.

You turn to the person and walk up to her, you shake her hand and introduce yourself.

"Hey, Y/N West-Allen, we haven't met yet."

"Oh yeah, you're the leader right?"

"Well, I sometimes act like it, but no."

"Huh, well, I'm Nia Nal, nice to meet you."


You suddenly get tackled from your right by Ruby, you land on the ground and look up at her.

"Doctor! I'm so glad you're okay!" She says while hugging you.

"Uh, wrong one Ruby. Did you even look at my outfit?"

Ruby stops hugging you and looks down, she immediately stands up and gets a bit embarrassed.

"Whoops, sorry..."

"It's okay, I get the confusion. Though next time maybe look at what someone is wearing before tackling them."

"Yeah, I'll do that."

Yang then suddenly stands besides you and leans on your shoulder.

"So, you free after this?" She asks.

"... Is she serious?" You ask Ruby.

"Eh, she's like this to most guys."

"Ugh... Listen Yang, one, I've already got a girlfriend which I thought you'd have noticed by now. Two, you're probably too young, and I'm not interested."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now