Chapter 30: Payback.

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rost arrives at Ricky and sees some soldiers and a man standing around him. You gain all your memories back. Frost destroys all the power dampening drones by shooting icicles at them. By doing that your speed returns and Frost speeds in front of Ricky.

"Hey dipshits!"

'Vocabulary, Frost.'

"What the fudge are you doing?!"


'What?! You were complaining!'

"Gentlemen, fire." The general says.

Frost puts small ice balls in the guns in superspeed, blocking the bullets and exploding the guns.

'You are OP with superspeed. I mean you could freeze Central City in a few seconds if you wanted to.'

'Thanks for the idea little man.'

'Wait what?'

The explosions knock out the soldiers and they fall down. Nora suddenly speeds over and stands beside Frost.

"Hey Frost, and Y/N in there too."

"Hello Nora."

"Nicely done." The general compliments.

"But will you be able to take out this?"

As he says that dozens of soldiers drive towards Frost in army vans and tanks pull up on the streets.

Frost speaks into the comms.


"Already on it."

Suddenly you see Barry speeding through everything, a second later the tanks and vans explode with the soldiers standing around unarmed in their underwear. Turns out Barry chose to save them. Barry also speeds Ricky away.

"I'll make sure the President hears about this, general."

"He's already seeing this. Plus as if Trump will do anything."

"Good point, if he doesn't I'll do something about it. That could be peaceful or not so peaceful. In a few minutes I can freeze this entire country. Hell, give me an hour and the world will be a snow globe."

"Is that a threat, Mr. Thawne and Miss. West-Allen?"

Frost and Nora look a little surprised.

"I'll let you two in on a little secret, humanity discovers time travel, though anyone who tries will automatically be killed by traveling through it. I was the only one to survive everything... And do you really think a small mask will hide your identity, Nora? Give Singh a picture of you and he'll immediately notice it. With Y/N it'll be a bit harder, but it can still be seen. Just as Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Ralph Dibny, Caitlin Snow doesn't even hide it and I know about Lia too. Wait no she's not here yet."

Frost phases her hand and holds it in front of his chest.

"And what if I just do... y'know?"

"I made a little something that reveals everything to the public once I die. Time travel, everyone's identities, what to do to stop you, the multiverse et cetera. It will wreck your entire timeline."

'Frost, let me talk.'

Frost turns back into you.

"There he is! The speed force shifter."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now