Chapter 41: A Whole Lot Of Confusion.

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POV: Y/N West-Allen

'What the hell just happened?!'

"I think I speak for everyone when I say this. What the fuck just happened?!" Frost says.

The Tardis appears in front of you all and the Doctor steps out.

"I think I can answer that." He says.

"Well, go on." Barry says.

"That Nora was one from a different future, one where she didn't destroy the command center. In her future, all of our powers are dampened just as ours, but we have no way of stopping my species. They destroy everything on earth, and kill all of us. All except Nora."

"Okay, but um, how do you know this?" You ask.

"Oh right, she came to me to help her get to Gallifrey in our time. I secretly used the Tardis to gain memories of the now-gone future, just in case her plan didn't work."

"That's... That's kind of an invasion of privacy, but I think it's allowed in that case."

"Yes, anyways as I way saying. From what I've seen, originally Barry survived the first attack too, but upon hearing that everyone died he accidentally connected with the Negative Speedforce out of anger and got killed. Nora too, connected with the Negative Speedforce because a second wave of power dampening was emitted, so she ran back in time with it and did what you just saw."

"Oh my God! That was her!" You yell in realization.

'Uh, what?"

You turn to Nora.

"Remember when I told you to check on the Legends?" You ask her.

"Uh, yeah. What about it?"

"While you did that, the future you approached me exhausted and all. I didn't know that was her at the time, but it explains her way of acting! She kept telling me to only look out for myself, no one else. And when she ran away she left a spark of red lightning!"

"... And that didn't seem weird to you at the time?" Ralph asks.

"Listen man, a lot happened today."

"If I may-" The Doctor says.

"You may." Ralph says.

"... I don't think I need your approval on that, but fine. Anyway, Y/N, you keep talking about the future Nora as if she's a different person, she's not. She's the one next to you, there never was a different one. From her point of view, her disappearing was her turning back into the present her and forgetting all of the timeline she changed. That's also how it works when you change the timeline. It's still the same person, they just forgot all about the original timeline."

(Sorry if it seems confusing, but this is me not wanting to essentially make two versions of Nora out of which one got killed. It really bothers me how that sort of stuff about changed timelines is never talked about in the show. Like Savitar, what happened to him? He was a future Barry who turned evil, but what's it like for him? Did he just die? Or did something like what happened to Nora in this story happen? Welp I'm ranting off, I'll leave this for you guys to discuss in the comments.)

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