Chapter 20: The night it all started.

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While Eobard is fixing the Speed Force Transmitter Barry asked to talk to you in private so you and him are currently in the halls.

"So what is it Bar? Not exactly a good time to have a conversation."

"Yeah I know, it's just that... Well I don't think you know what your father really did."

"From what I was told he killed criminals and eventually became your arch enemy."

"That's what he told you? No, he doesn't kill criminals. He kills innocent people and he has done that many times before. One of those people was my mother, Nora Allen. He killed her when I was eleven years old. He thought that if I suffered a tragedy bad enough I would never recover and never become The Flash."

You looked shocked and betrayed. You just stared in front of you letting out a tear.

You suddenly sense your father using the Negative Speed Force so you immediately speed back in the room. You see him choking Nora so you throw lightning at him, knocking him back.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER! NOT AFTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" You yell at him. Red lightning strikes begin to emit from you, creating burn marks in the room and destroying a few things.

"Listen son, I know I did something... Bad." He says and chuckles.

"Don't you dare call me son! You lied to me my whole life!"

"Well I haven't done that yet have I?!"

Your eyes widened in realization.
"No I get it now. I get why you got so many people to train me, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, goddamm Hercules! Why you taught me everything about the Speed- and Negative Speed Force."

Nora comes over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder as your lightning stops.

"You wanted me to kill The Flash."

"That does sound like me."

"So that was the trip we went on. We went to 2013, the night it all started."

"What do you mean?" Barry asks.

"When I was 10 years old Eobard took me on a trip, little did I know that was the night the particle accelerator exploded. That night I was struck by lightning just like you, Barry. It gave me the Speed Force too."

You walk over to grab the fixed transmitter. You, Barry and Nora walk away, before going away you give him one more look over your shoulder.

"You know, before this I really thought you were a great father."

You, Nora and Barry walk away.

"It's time to go back to the night it all began." You say.

Barry and Nora nod at you. You all travel to the 11th of December 2013. The night the particle accelerator exploded and caused the existence of Meta humans. You were currently sneaking through the crowd towards a door leading to STAR Labs. Harrison Wells or your father is currently on the podium giving a speech. While walking through the crowd Nora bumps into a little boy. You all stop but you just look at Eobard giving the speech on stage.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Nora says.

"It's okay miss..." The boy says looking a little scared.

"What is it? You look lost."

"Um... I lost my father."

"Oh, maybe me and my friends can help you."

"Really you can do that?"

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now