Chapter 38: Gallifrey Attacks.

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It's been 18 hours, and everyone has arrived. Green Arrow and his companions, Supergirl and her companions, the Legends and even Jesse Quick. You're all in the STAR Labs storage facility.

You walk over to Jesse Quick to introduce yourself. You shake her hand.

"Hey there, we haven't met yet." You say.

"That's right, Paradox right?" Jesse asks.

"Yep, and you're Jesse Quick."

"That's also right."

"Good, Wally told me a bunch about you."

"He did?"

"Yeah of course! He misses you very often."

"Oh, that's... Nice?"

"Well... Sort of? Anyways, so you're from Earth-2 right?"

"Yep, you?"

"I'm from this one, but from 2049. I'm the son of the Reverse-Flash."

"Oh... You're not... Evil? Are you?"

"No of course not! Otherwise I kinda wouldn't be in this room filled with superheroes."

"Yeah good point. Wait, what even is your actual name?"

"Y/N West-Allen."

"But... You just told me you're the son of Thawne?"

"Yep, but I'm using Nora's last name."


"Barry's and Iris' daughter from 2049."

"Ohh... So you're married?"

"Not yet, no."


"Maybe sometime in the future."

"Oh, well good luck with that."

"Thanks, you too. Maybe you should go and speak with Wally again."

"I don't know... I don't think he'll want to talk, let alone get back together."

"Listen, the guy became a Legend and travelled through time, he is on his way to find out who he is exactly, and I think you could help him with it. So go on! Talk to him!"

"I guess I can try..."

"I'm sure you'll make quick work of it!"

Jesse stares at you blankly from the pun you just made.

"No? It wasn't good?"

"Just... No, it wasn't."

Some time passes and you stand on a table and yell for everyone's attention. Everyone goes quiet and looks at you.

"I'm sure you've all heard what's happening. We will be attacked by the Time-Lords from Gallifrey. They can be extremely dangerous and deadly, so be on your guard. We don't know where they will attack exactly, so we cannot evacuate cities. So remember, protect the citizens at all cost, and when it comes down to it, kill the Time-Lords while they're regenerating. Though we'd all like to avoid casualties on both sides. That is all, thank you."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now