Chapter 42: A Couple Gifts.

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POV: The Doctor / Y/N Smith

You and the other Y/N are currently sitting at the bar, drinking some alcohol-free drinks.

"Hey West-Allen?" You ask Y/N.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"You really love that Nora girl don't you?"

"Course I love her! She's the love of my life."

"Hm, do you think I'll ever love someone like you love her?"

"Well, if you're like me, yes you will. All the odds were against me in my case, I mean, I am the son of her grandmother's murderer, I have the Negative Speedforce in me. I don't decide when I use it, but still..."

"Hm. Well, there might just be a future for me after all then."

"Don't worry, there is. You'll find your lover someday, maybe you've already found her and you just don't know it."

You look over to Ruby who is talking with Cisco and Caitlin.

"Yeah, maybe..."

"Ah, so Ruby?"

"What? N-No!"

"Sure buddy, I know how I act. She's as energetic as Nora used to be."

"Used to be?"

"Yeah, she's been... I don't really know how to describe it."

"I get what you mean, but you yourself know why, you just aren't ready to accept it. You know how my Tardis scanned the future version of her?"


"Well, it scanned two people. So unless she's got an alter ego like you and Ms. Snow, she's expecting."

Y/N looks at you shocked.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. I won't tell anyone. Though, I don't know about the Tardis, I think she can be a bit of a talker."

"All's cool if she doesn't tell Friday."

"I don't think she will, she'll probably understand."

"She better."

You grab a monocle with some circuitry attached to it.

"Hey can you power this real quick?"

"Uh, sure I guess."

Y/N shoots a tiny bit of electricity at the monocle, it's now X-Ray. You use it and look at Nora to see that the child is still alive and well.

"Well, the baby seems to be fine." You say.

"Excuse me?"

"An X-Ray monocle, first time I'm actually using it."

"For your sake I'm hoping that it's the same X-Ray as those hospital machines..."

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