Chapter 10: Catching the supposed-to-be Cicada.

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Friday: "Wake up sleepyheads."
You: "Ugh, what is it?"
Frifay: "We found Cicada."
You: "Oh damn."
You shake Nora awake.
You: "Wake up sleeping beauty."
Nora: "Just five more minutes."
You: "They found Cicada."
Nora: "Ugh, okay then."
Nora then speeds away to the cortex.
You: "Well, I better get going too."
You then speed to the cortex leaving Friday in the lounge.
You: "So, where is he?"
Caitlin: "Barry is already on his way there, I will be sending you the location."
After she gave you the location you and Nora speed to where Barry is.
Barry: "You sure he's in there?"
Sherloque: "I'm certain. Now, your evidence, while slight, was enough to build a psychologic profile. This is a man hiding in the shadows. This is someone who's been pushed to the peripheries of society, and then now he sits alone waiting for the moment to strike. All this, plus the census data cross-referenced with the location of his attacks, and the profile narrows to one name David Hersch."
Iris: "Nora's plan might actually work."
Nora: "Well, it will work."
Nora then speeds inside.
You: "You should at least check the perimeter!"
You and Barry then speed inside too.
Sherloque: "Once inside, you should find a small booby trap."
You: "Found it, but how the hell would you know exactly where a booby trap is?"
Nora: "I'm on it."
Sherloque: "Here is the critical part."
Nora then defuses the bomb.
Sherloque: "It's a decoy."
A bunch of bombs then get launched from the ground and explode. Before Nora got hit you speed over to save her at the cost of you getting knocked out because of schrapnel.
Barry: "Paradox is down! XS, get him to STAR Labs! I'll take care of Hersch."
Nora: "On it!"
Nora then takes you to STAR Labs. As you arrived caitlin already had the med room ready, Nora then lays you down on it.
Nora: "No, no, this is all my fault! If I would have just paid some more attention he wouldn't have been hurt!"
While Nora talked Caitlin quickly put you to sleep and started removing the schrapnel.
Iris: "It's okay Nora, he will make it. Besides, I'm sure he has went through a lot worse, I mean, he's Eobard Thawne's son, the man who just won't die no matter what."
Nora: "Right..."

You start to wake up as you hear everyone in the cortex talking about Sherloque.
You: "Urgh, what happened?"
As soon as they heard you Nora ran to you.
Nora: "Y/N! Are you okay?!"
You: "Jeez, stop screaming. And yeah, I'm good, well, my throat hurts a little but that's it."
You and Nora then walked to the cortex.
You: "Hey everyone, so, what is it with Sherloque?"
Barry: "Good to see you're awake Y/N, hope you don't have any wounds left because of the schrapnel."
You: "Schrapnel?"
Nora: "Yeah, you got hit by schrapnel when you saved me from the bombs."
You: "Oh, I don't remember that. Well anyways, once again what's is it with Sherloque?"
Cisco: "Our so called master detective here said Cicada is David Hersch, because he caught 36 others, and guess what, it wasn't Cicada. When he heard the news he tried to get away by taking his death."
You: "So you're saying I got knocked out for nothing?"
Nora: "Well, David Hersch was a mass murderer, so no."
You: "Okay. Oi Sherloque! You better hand us a refund!"
Sherloque: "That money is long gone."
You: "What? How do you spend all of that in one day?"
Barry: "Turns out he has a lot of ex-wives."
You: "Well, in that case he's staying until we catch Cicada. Got it, Dream?"
Barry: "What?"
You: "Oh, right you don't know him yet. He's someone from the future who cheated a lot."
Cisco: "Alright, well I'm off to my workshop you guys go do whatever."
Barry: "Alright."
You: "Well I'm gonna take off these bandages, see ya."

You then speed to the lounge and start taking off the bandages. After you were done you were about to sit down on the couch but there was an alert.

You: "What the?"

You speed over to the cortex to see Barry leaving.

You: "Nora! What is it?"
Nora: "I don't know there's an alert coming from Joe's house."
Barry: "Cicada took Cisco."
Iris: "What do you mean took him? Took him where?"
Barry: "I don't know. They jumped into a breach right when I got here."
Nora: "But a breach could take them anywhere."
You: "Damn it, Barry I'm on my way."
Iris: "Cisco, can you hear me?"

And that's where I'm ending this chapter, I know, it's a bit short but I've got a lot of tests I need to study for so I don't have that much time to write. Anyways, see you in the next chapter!

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