Chapter 43: Taste.

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Ladies, gents and all others. I ain't gonna say any names but some person has been really rude in the comments. If you're reading this my guy, are your comments a joke? Cause if they are I'm not finding the funny part. From what I understand you disagree with a certain... trait of Nora. That's fine, I don't mind you disagreeing. What I don't think is fine is you wishing a painful death upon me. Which you did. Now, I don't want any of you to harass or curse at this person, so don't. I just wanted to make a message to this person and anyone else disagreeing with parts of my story, stay civilized and nice in the comments. Both to me and to others. With that out of the way, enjoy this next chapter.


"Hello Author, I wish to speak to you again."

(Goddamnit Mar Novu, what is it?)

"You can't keep making these filler chapters, the story must continue. Speaking of, try updating consistently. "

(No, it is up to me whether it continues according to the show. It is up to me if I continue this after the show ends. It is up to me to continue writing. And I'll probably die before I start updating consistently.)

"Correct, mostly. Other beings have control as well."

(Yeah yeah, I know, the Anti-Monitor. Who cares, I'll just make Nora or Y/N overpowered.)

"That's not how it works. Soon, there will be one blazing moment in which you finally understand. That there is no Y/N Thawne, that there is no Paradox. That there is only you. Only you and the readers. Y/N, was all you. Is you. You did this."

(Not to shit at the quote, but did you really think I hadn't based Y/N off of myself? I mean, I literally read Y/N as my own name.)

"No, I knew that. You're a weird dude by the way."

(Tell me something I don't know.)

"Fine, I can see you, Author."


"Blonde curly hair, dark blue eyes, large forehead-"

(Okay okay, I get it, you're as real as me, you've proven your point. Now can I continue please?)

"Last filler chapter."

(Yeah yeah, sure.)


POV: Y/N Thawne

It's the morning after Friday just revealed her newly-made ability, and you're cold as hell. Why, you might ask. Well, seeing as this is the first time Friday was able to actually feel stuff, she wanted to sleep in bed with Nora and you. So, being the nice people you are, you two let her. Though, she took the blankets for the whole night, leaving Nora and you freezing. And seeing as you didn't want a grumpy Frost in your head all day, you decided not to wake her up to change your normal body temperature. You are currently sitting on the couch in your pyjamas, sipping on some coffee. You have prepared pancakes a few minutes ago, and they are currently resting on a plate, waiting to be eaten by the West-Allens and Thawnes.

"*yawn* Morning."

'Morning Frost.'

"Jesus, why are you so cold?"

'Friday hogged the blankets the whole night.'

"And you hadn't thought of just waking me up to change our body temp?"

'You think I want a shitty Frost in my head all day?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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