Chapter 5: The Truth comes to Light.

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(Barry's POV)

Barry is walking to the lounge with Iris to see if Nora and Y/N are awake. They enter and see that Nora is sleeping on top of you.

Iris: "Cute."
Barry: "Yeah, wait what's that?"
Iris: "What?"
Barry: "That small box on the table."

Barry then speeds over and looks in it.

Barry: "Oh, I didn't know they were like this."
Iris: "What? What is it?"
Barry: "Yeah you're gonna have to get over here yourself cause I'm not picking it up."

Iris then walks over and sees what's in the box.

Iris: "What the- NORA WEST-ALLEN!"

(Your POV)

You wake up to someone yelling, but you can't get up since something is lying on you.

Nora: "Great way to wake me up mom."
You: "The hell are you doing on me."
Nora: "Oh, uh, probably sleepwalked or something. I'll get off you now."
You: "Thanks."

Nora then stands up and you two sit on the couch.

Iris: "You two awake? Now what the hell is this?!"

She says pointing at the condom.

You and Nora become redder than Barry's suit.

You: "Oh shit uh, ask Ralph."

Barry speeds Ralph to the lounge.

Ralph: "Care to give me a heads up next time?"
Barry: "Yeah yeah, explain why there's a condom on the table."
Ralph: "They did it?"
You: "No. Now tell them how I got it."
Ralph: "Funny story actually, so yesterday I kinda gave Y/N that and said not to open the box until tonight with Nora."
Barry: "Goddamnit Ralph."
Ralph: "Hey it's funny!"
Nora: "No it really isn't."
You: "Can y'all now leave I'mma get dressed."

Everyone except Nora then exit.

You: "You gonna stay here?"
Nora: "Well I need to get dressed too."
You: "Oh, right. Um if you could just close your eyes for a second."
Nora: "Of course."

You then get dressed at superspeed.

You: "Well, I'm off to the cortex, see ya."
Nora: "See ya."

You then speed off and a few seconds later Nora also enters fully dressed.

You: "Sup Barry."
Barry: "Yo."
You: "Where are the others?"
Barry: "Well I just texted everyone to meet at Joe's house."
You: "Oh, why?"
Barry: "Nora, does he know?"
Nora: "No, but you can tell him already."
Barry: "Ok, so basically Nora isn't really stuck here."
You: "Oh I know that."
Nora: "Wait really? How?"
You: "I saw you activate those negative tachyons earlier."
Nora: "Guess I'm gonna have to hide things better from you."
You: "Yeah, like your little diary or whatever that book is."

Later at Joe's house.

Iris: "So, you're not really stuck here?"
Nora: "No, we're not."
Caitlin: "So the reverse tachyons in your system?"
Nora: "Were put there because of me."
Cisco: "Are you kidding? You know how many credit card points I just blew trying to get rid of your negative tachyons? I just bought a brand-new spectral tachyometer when I could have had my Fiji getaway. Not that I have anyone to go with, anymore. I'm not taking you to Fiji Ralph."
Iris: "Why didn't you guys tell us about this before?"

Nora then shows everyone the newspaper that says Barry is still missing 25 years later.

Cecile: "Oh my god. Barry never returns?"
Joe: "That's why you came here. To see your father, because you were raised without him."
Iris: "So what?"
Barry: "Iris?"
Iris: "So what, that that article says you never come back. So what if the over one says you vanished? I mean, it's said other things before, right? We made it say other things before."
Cisco: "She has a point. If there's anything team Flash is good at, it's handling the future it's own ass, and then some."
Caitlin: "What he said."
Iris: "Well, looks like you two need more training after all."

This chapter is a shorter than normal, I know, but I will try to make a longer one again this week. I just kinda need to rewatch season 5 again since I forgot a lot. And also these chapters are a bit hard to make, nearly everything the characters say is in the episode/script and I also need to find a way to put Y/N in there along with yours and Nora's romance.
By the way if any of you have a way to access the season's script please tell me, cause right now I just write what they say in the episode and that takes a long time.

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