Chapter 2: Meeting Team Flash.

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(Your POV)
Nora: "Oh my parents are getting married today apparently."
You: "Isn't today also the day of the neo-nazi invasion?"
Nora: "Oh right, don't wanna mess with that. I do want to go to my parents' wedding though."
You: "And how do you propose we do that?"
Nora: "We could go there as another couple?"
You: "Or we can take the easy option and dress as employees there."
Nora (looking a bit sad): "Yeah we should probably do that."

Small time skip.

You: "You sure this is the place?"

You get no response.

You: "She's probably inside."

You walk inside and can't find her, you decide to walk to who appears to be her dad Barry Allen.

You: "Hello there Mr Allen, um I'm looking for a girl about this high with hair swept to the left."
Barry: "Oh yeah I spoke to her just now I'm pretty sure she went that way."
You: "Alright thank you, by the way congratulations with your wedding and don't forget to say 'I do'."
Barry: "Thanks, goodbye."
You: "See ya."

Time skip

You: "So you delivered the stuff for the baby? Nice work with the satellite btw."
Nora: "Thanks, and yeah I delivered the presents. I think it's time to go meet them for real."
You: "Alright then."

You follow Nora to a house.

You: "You sure this is the place?"
Nora: "Yeah, definitely."

Nora then walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. Barry opens the door for us.

You: "Hello Mr Allen, um we want to talk to you about something is it cool if we come in?"
Barry: "Uh sure come in."

You two then walk in and just stand there awkwardly.

You: "Nora this is the part where you're supposed to talk."
Nora: "Right, um hello everyone my name is Nora West-Allen and I am Barry and Iris' daughter from the future. Nicknamed XS"

The room is entirety quiet until Barry speaks.

Barry: "You're saying you're our daughter?"
Iris: "From the future?"
Barry: "Named Nora?"
Nora: "After your mother."
Cisco: "Anybody need a refill? No? Just me?"
Nora: "Cisco Ramon, always cutting the tension with a joke."
Caitlin: "You know our names?"
Nora: "Of course. I know all of you. You're Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny, Papa Joe, Mama Cecile. Little auntie Jenna, she's so cute. And uncle Wally."
Wally: "Uh... And your nickname is XS?"
Cisco: "Clearly not my doing."
Nora: "No, uh, it's a nickname you gave me when I was a kid, Mom. You said I was always doing things in excess."
Caitlin: "And who are you?"
You: "I believe you already know my father but my name is Y/N Thawne."
Barry: "Thawne?"
You: "Yeah he's my father, and your arch enemy if I'm correct."
Barry: "Hell yeah you're correct, Nora can we trust him?"
Nora: "Yeah of course, he's a nice guy."
Barry: "I will be keeping an eye on you Y/N."
You: "Fine by me, I've got nothing to hide. Oh right Nora also helped you destroy the satellite"
Nora: "That and we're stuck here, so we're gonna need your help."

Later in the speedlab.

Barry: "This is so, so weird."
Iris: "Yeah, I mean, I can't believe that's our daughter up there."
You: "Well I can Mrs West-Allen. She's got your lightning colors."
Caitlin: "He's right, the DNA tests finished and Nora is your daughter."
Barry: "Well then, now that that's confirmed how can we confirm you are Thawne's son?"
You: "My lightning and suit."

You put on your suit and go and run with Nora a bit, after a few seconds you come back down.

You: "See?"
Barry: "Yeah, I also see you changed the emblem."
You: "Yeah, I took that inspiration from you since I didn't want to give people the wrong impression."
Barry: "Can you also do that vibrating and red eyes your dad does?"
You: "Yeah I think so although that only happens whenever I'm angry."
Barry: "Alright now that we've confirmed you're who you say you are we need to find a way to send you two home, fast."
Iris: "Barry don't you think future us wouldn't have taught Nora how not to screw with the timeline?"

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