Chapter 11: The Death of Vibe.

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Hello everyone! I am back! Before I start this chapter I will have to say that I have tried a new writing style in one of my other stories, and so far it's been more fun writing like that so I will adapt that to this story from now on. Without further ado, here is Nora's and yours love story continued!


You run to Joe's house and arrived right as Cisco started talking in the comms. "Guys, can you hear me?" Cisco says while running.

"Cisco! Where the hell are you?!" You say into the comms.

"I don't know. My breach fritzed out and spat us out in a forest somewhere." He responds, clearly not knowing where.

"Have you tried breaching out?" You ask him.

A few seconds of silence occur. "...No." He responds, still on the run.

You hear Cisco trying to breach but he yells out in pain, indicating that his wound from the dagger stopped him from breaching.

"Well, that's worked great didn't it?!" You say sarcastically.

"Cicada's dampening his powers." Nora says, stating the obvious.

"Without a satellite I can't pin point his location. I mean, in this state alone there's over 14 million acres of forest." Iris says while looking at the computers.

"Y/N, you go start at Black Forest, I'll go to Roanoke." Barry says. He speeds off immediately searching for the missing hero.

You also speed off to your appointed forest, you spotted some deers and stuff there but no Vibe or Cicada.

"Can't find him." You say.

"Me neither."

"Ideas people! Ideas!"

"Well, before you give up, what kind of trees?" Sherloque asks.

With the answer and some other information Sherloque discovers that Cisco is in Colin Woods.

"On my way!" You and Barry say simultaneously.

You arrive and the first thing that happens is your powers being dampened and Cicada frying the circuits in your suit, not allowing you to turn on Fighter Mode and destroying Friday.

"There. Now you can't transform your little suit and go all Batman on me." Cicada says.

"Gee, thanks for stating the obvious." You respond.

All of a sudden Barry charges to Cicada but gets absolutely shit on. Cicada looks at you.

"What? You think I'm just going to charge in without any idea or skill in combat?"

"Yes I do actually."

"Y/N you have to get you and Barry out of there!" Iris said into the comms.

"You think I don't know that?! I'm stalling the guy here so you can come up with an idea!" You angrily whispered into the comms.

You try using your speed again but it doesn't work. "Performance issues?" Cicada remarked.

"Happens to the best of us." You say. You then get into a battle stance and start moving around Cicada.

"Come on." You say while making a hand movement to come over to you, trying to taunt him.

Cicada goes for a punch to the cheek but you avoided it just in time by stepping back.

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now