Chapter 35: Stress And Skating.

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Back once again! Small note, I changed the name of the mystery woman from Veronica to Lia for plot reasons.


The two of you have been freaking out for the past thirty minutes.

"But how?!" You ask.

"I don't know! Maybe it had a tear in it!"

"Could be, it wasn't the one Ralph gave us right?"

"No I threw that one away a while ago."

The front door handle suddenly turns.

'They're early?!'

Nora immediately throws the test out of the window and into a dumpster, you two stand in the middle of the living room completely unsuspicious. Barry and Iris stop in their tracks and look at you two slightly confused.

"You two look suspicious... Did you do anything?" Barry asks.

"No! Nope! Everything's fine here!" Nora says.

Iris looks between you and Nora at the TV screen.

"You guys watch Breaking Bad?" She asks.

"We left it running while we uh... While we went to get some ice cream!"

"... Uh-huh, right..." Barry says.


"So uh... Why are you guys back early?"

"Barry was a crybaby." Iris says.

"I was not!" He replies.

"Barry, you left simply because you didn't want to watch the movie."

"You told me we'd watch Spider-Man: No Way Home! Turned out you got tickets for the scariest goddamn movie of all time!"

"And that is coming from the world's greatest hero?" You ask.

"I'm flattered that you call me that, and yes. I told Iris I specifically didn't want to watch it since it had literally nearly every one of my phobias in it."

"Just still tryna make a good impression. And I'd have to say skill issue on the last part."


"So uh, what were you guys doing?" Iris asks.

"We were just watching some Netflix." Nora says.

"Huh, Breaking Bad isn't really the most romantic show but okay."

"We don't just watch romantic stuff, mom!"

"Yeah they're kinda past that stage babe, they have been together for the past year and longer." Barry says.

"Eh, good point. It's not always lovey dovey stuff." Iris says.

"Mom, we're still here..." Nora says.


You fake yawn.

"Well, guess it's time for me to go to sleep." You say.

"You sure? It's only 10 PM..." Barry asks.

"As I said, time for me to sleep."

"Uh, okay then. See you tomorrow."

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now