Chapter 4: Phasing the Plane.

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(Your POV)
Nora: "Onto more pressing matters where are we with Gridlock?"
Cisco: "Well Caitlin and I figured out that he builds up kinetic energy and uses that power."
You: "So if he builds up too much he might become unstoppable?"
Cisco: "Yep."
Nora: "Any idea on where he is?"
Cisco: "Not yet but we have figured out his identity."
You: "So you can get his phones location?"
Iris: "But we don't have a satellite."
You: "We don't need a satellite to track a phone."
Cisco: "He's right, Gridlock is currently at the uh, airport? He also booked a plane ticket."
Iris: "Is he trying to get away from us or something?"
You: "It's safe to say you're a couple of geniuses so, come on guys, he's obviously gonna crash it!"
Cisco: "Plane just lost an engine. It's headed for downtown."
Caitlin: "If Gridlock takes out the other engine the pilot won't be able to avoid the buildings."
Wally: "Thousands of people will die."
Nora: "Not if you phase the plane through the buildings. I read about you doing the same thing to a plane in the future."
Iris: "Can you three do that?"
Barry: "Plane? I mean, no, I don't think so. I mean, I think it's too big. The four of us. The four of us might be able to do it."
Nora: "I can't phase anything. I can't even phase myself, let alone at g-force."
Barry: "Wait, g-force. G-force that's it. The plane is still ascending, once he blows up the other engine it's gonna slow down and point downwards, before it starts it descent."
Cisco: "That'll give us about 10 seconds of zero G's on the plane."
Caitlin: "Zero G's means no kinetic energy means Gridlock has no powers."
Iris: "Can you breach them onto the plane?"
Cisco: "A plane goes way to fast, I'd need to see it in person."
You: "Then let's go."
Barry: "Wait I don't have a suit."
Nora: "I actually have a backup, I got more than just a list of meta's from that museum."

Nora then hands Barry a ring.

Barry: "How do i-"
You: "You basically just punch the air."

Barry then punches the air and a suit comes out of the ring, he speeds over and puts it on.

Cisco: "Damn, Gina. I made that?"
Nora: "Uh, Ryan Choi, actually."
Barry: "Oh, this is a super suit. No offense."
Cisco: "None taken."
Caitlin: "Guys he just took out the other engine."
Iris: "You can do this."

Then you, Nora, Barry and Wally speed off next to each other. As you run towards a building Cisco appears and opens a breach. You four go through it and Barry quickly cuffs Gridlock.

Barry: "Okay, everybody, stay calm, all right? Just stay calm. Hey take a wall, alright?"

You then go stand next to Nora, against a wall. You, Barry and Wally then start to phase.

Nora: "It's not working."
Barry: "What?"
Nora: "I can't do this."
You: "Yes you... Listen to me. Just breathe. Feel the floor beneath your feet, feel the rumble of the plane. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. And the lightning. Feel it's electricity pumping through your veins. Traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock you never want to end. You're no longer you, you're part of something greater."
Nora: "Part of the speed force."
Barry: Damn, he sometimes really does act like his father.
You: "Now, you can do this Nora."
Barry: "Let's do this."

You then start to phase. Nora then holds your hand and also starts to phase. Barry and Wally also phase.
You successfully phase the plane through the buildings into a river.

Barry: "You phased."
Nora: "My first time."
You: "Let's go Nora! Nice job."
Nora: "Thanks!"

Timeskip to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Wally: "Well, Gridlock's off to Iron Heights' metawing. Where we won't be moving from for a very long time."
Barry: "Thanks to Y/N and Nora's help. By the way, Y/N where did you get that speech from?"
You: "Just came up in my head, why?"
Barry: "Your father said the same to me when I phased for the first time."
You: "Oh, uh okay."

Cisco and Caitlin then walk in with the tachyon absorption enhancer.

Cisco: "Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the tachyon absorption enhancer 2.5, now complete with completely recalibrated Time Bureau technology. Also got a normal one for you Y/N, now Nora doesn't have to carry you."
You: "Oh shut it smartass."
Caitlin: "We haven't tested it yet, but it should counterbalance the negative tachyons in Nora's cells."
Cisco: "Here you go, Billy Pilgrim. Consider yourself unstuck in time."
Nora: "So, I can run home now?"
Barry: "Or... Maybe we hit pause on this thing."
Iris: "You want Nora and Y/N to stay?"
Cisco: "Yeah, I thought getting them home is our priority?"
Barry: "It is, I just... Now I'm thinking that maybe we should make sure their powers are working correctly before we send them home."
Caitlin: "What about the timeline?"
Barry: "It's risky, but I don't know. I mean Wally and I were talking about it."
Wally: "Yeah, the Legends have a theory. There are some historical events that are soft. Basically, you change those its not going to affect much else. And then there are those that are fixed. You mess with them, and all sorts of craziness starts to happen."
Barry: "Like the night my mom died, changing that created Flashpoint."
Iris: "Looks like you two are gonna need a place to stay."
Nora: "Yes, and we'll stay in the lounge, if that's okay with Y/N."
You: "No complaints here."
Cisco: "What lounge?"

You all then walk to the lounge.

Nora: "This lounge."
Joe: "Damn."
Iris: "Dad!"
Joe: "Found my spot."
Iris: "You knew about this?"
Joe: "I've been napping in here since day one."
Barry: "Uh, well, Nora and Y/N were gonna stay here, if that's all right with you."
Joe: "Okay, well, now I can get to know my granddaughter and Y/N."

As the rest was cleaning up everything and Joe was talking with Nora and Wally, Ralph called you to come to him.

You: "Yo Ralph, what is it?"
Ralph: "Take this, open it together with Nora before you're gonna sleep."

Ralph then hands you a tiny box.

You: "Uh, okay? Thanks, I guess?"
Ralph: "Your welcome, well I'm going to talk to Caitlin and Cisco, I'm helping them with a case."
You: "Any chance I can help?"
Ralph: "No, we can do this ourselves, and if we can't I will know who to call."
You: "Alright, well, good luck with your case."
Ralph: "Thanks."

Ralph then walks over to Caitlin and Cisco who seem to be having trouble with a coffee machine. You walk over to the couch and sit next to Nora.

You: "Sup y'all, what are you talking about?"
Joe: "We were talking about how Wally was finding himself."
You: "Any luck?"
Wally: "Well I was really close, but then the Legends swooped me up and life got more crazy."
You: "Ah, good old Rip Hunter."
Wally: "You know him?"
You: "Yeah, who do you think he got his speedster knowledge from?"
Wally: "I thought Gideon?"
You: "Nope t'was me."

Little timeskip

Iris: "Well, you two should get some rest."
You: "Yeah, it was a long day to say the least."
Barry: "Well if you're not tired, the two of you wanna get some ice cream?"
You and Nora: "From Happy Harbor?"
Barry: "If that's okay with you?"
Iris: "It is. Yeah. Just, uh, bring me back some mint chip."

You three then speed off to get some ice cream.

You: "Say what you want but this shit bussin'."
Nora: "Yessir."

You three then eat your ice cream and speed back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Barry: "Well, uh, goodnight you two and see you tomorrow."
You and Nora: "Goodnight."

You and Nora then walk to the lounge and lie on the couch.

You: "Oh right, Ralph gave me something and told me to open it with you, I don't know what it is."

You then open it and turn beetred.

You: "Can't say I'm surprised."
Nora: "Why? What is it?"
You: "See for yourself."

Nora sees what it is and turns red as well. You then put it on the table.

You: "Well, I'm gonna sleep, goodnight Nora."
Nora: "Yeah, uh, goodnight."

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