Chapter 25: The rewritten reality.

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Arkham Asylum has been dealt with and the team retrieved the Book of Destiny. It has the power to rewrite reality, but The Monitor aka Mar Novu showed up as well as Barry Allen of Earth-90. Mar Novu got the book and gave it back to John Deegan, Deegan rewrote reality again and this time he didn't forget you and Nora. He gave you and Nora a happy life in a town called Smallville, you have a two-year-old baby boy named Eddie and neither of you remember the old reality. In this reality neither of you have your speed, though you do have Killer Frost as an alter ego and Nora has powers like Firestorm.


As of right now the Trigger Twins aka Barry Allen and Oliver Queen figured out where you live and they're on their way there. They figured that if you remembered last time that you would remember this time as well. As soon as they entered Westfield everyone went inside their house.

You and Nora hide with Eddie in the bedroom and you look out of the window to see Barry and Oliver walk up to your porch. They knock on the door.

"Y/N, Nora. You guys in there?" Oliver asks.

You put your finger on your lips for Nora to stay quiet.

"Hello?" Barry asks.

They now pound on the door making Eddie cry. They hear it and kick in the door, they follow the sound and eventually get to the bedroom.

They knock on the door.

"Guys we're not here to hurt you." Barry says.

"Like hell you are. You're known killers and you're not getting in here."

They open the door slowly and put their hands up.

"A kid?" Oliver asks.

"Why are you here Queen?" You ask.

"Wait, you-you don't remember?" Barry asks.

"Oh I remember, I remember how we used to work together Allen. I remember how you threatened to kill my son."

"We used to work together?"

"Quit the act Allen. You two are gonna get the hell out of my house willingly or-"

"Or what?" Oliver asks.

"Or I make you."

Your eyes and lips turn blue and your hair turns white, your skin turns pale and you form icicle knives in your hands.

"Okay I've got to say I wasn't expecting that." Barry says and you look at him dumbfounded.

"Me neither." Oliver asks.

"What is it with you two?" Nora asks.

"Okay so this might sound strange, but a man has rewritten reality." Barry says.

"I swear to God you keep coming with excuses."

You blast them with ice and they launch through the hallway. You walk through the now destroyed door and crouch in between them, you hold two icicles at their throats.

"I warned you." You say.

You were about to stab their necks but you are suddenly knocked to the side. You look up to see a man in a yellow suit.

"Who the hell are you?"

"He doesn't remember anything does he?" The man asks Oliver and Barry.

They both shake their heads.

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now